On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
What would you do if someone gave you $250 for no reason other than the fact that they wanted to help you out? That's the situation I find myself facing. Today I found out that in order to enroll at University I was going to have to fly to Melbourne by this coming Monday in order to finalise everything, otherwise I would not be enrolled. Well, I'd previously thought that it would be possible to take care of most of the enrollment process via the internet and phone and that the rest could be finalised once I moved there and began attending, but aparantly not.
I couldn't afford to fly to Melbourne for only such a short event and I wasn't anywhere near organised enough to move there with just short notice so I found myself thinking that I would have to delay University for a year, a prospect that didn't appeal to me at all. So I told my friend of my troubles and in return he offered to assist me in going to Melbourne so I could complete enrollment. A relative of his died recently and he received $10000 inheritance, so now, he is making it his business to help out friends that he finds having worthy causes. Once I am in a financially stable situation I will pay the money back, but nonetheless returning the money feels like such a little act compared to how he has helped me. The only way I can see of doing justice to such an act is to use the principle of the movie Pay It Forward (damn Haley Joel Osment is a cutie and a good actor too!), perhaps I can repay his charity by finding kind deeds within my means that I can show towards other people. Comments? Suggestions? Flames? All are welcome to respond...

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13783
And yes, pay the deed forward.
If he woudl like it back, pay it back as well, or ask him where he woudl like you to use it to help others.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
I have to agree with Timmy. Take it with thanks and if he want it paid forward, then do it.
Needs to get a life! |
Registered: March 2003
Messages: 4729
Both giving and recieving.....
Whoa.... Kind of like sex if you think about it....
Life is great for me... Most of the time... But then I meet people online... Very few are real friends... Many say they are but know nothing of what it means... Some say they are, but are so shallow...
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
Well, about 1 hour after I posted this, just as I was about to book my flight I received the following email, from Pam Williams, part of the Monash University Arts Faculty:
"Dear Shem
I apologise for the delay in getting back to you. If you would still
like to accept an irregular offer in the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of
Computer Science course I would be happy to hear from you.
In cases where students are residing interstate a faxed form is
acceptable but it is important that you understand that if you have used
this form for an irregular offer to another institution the dire
consequences are that all your offers will be revoked - including the
one you are now enrolled in.
If you would like to proceed, please fax me the form on 03 9905 2147 so
that it reaches me on Monday morning.
Best wishes
Like I originally thought, I'm not needed there in person, faxing my info through IS enough. Well, after all the hassles they put me through to find out I was right in the first place REALLY pissed me off, talk about lack of organisation and proper communication between the respective members of the faculty... Anyway, I sent the fax off today and now I'm not needed in Melbourne until the 13th of February, so I'll probably be moving on the 11th or so, giving me enough time to have everthing properly organised.
I've talked to my friend regarding the money he sent and we've come to the agreement that I'd be best off holding onto it in case it is required whilst settling in, in Melbourne. Once I settle down over there I'll look at how much I have left and then go about returning it as promptly as possible. At the moment though, as the money was transferred through PayPal which takes a small cut I'd be out of pocket if I were to return the entire sum (which I intend to do), so I'll wait until I can afford to pay it in full. Anyway, I still intend of paying the favour forward if the opportunity arises, because the world does need more people doing good deeds.

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13783
And work with the same principle as the film. Paying it forward should simply be going the extra mile. It does not need to be the same thing that happened to you.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
Basically I changed my mind about the course I wanted to do so I had to go through a different system 
As for Pay It Forward, well I was planning on waiting for an opportunity to do something for someone. Something that is just like the movie says- something that is hard, something that they can't do themselves. I guess a better attitude would be looking for a way to help out, instead of simply waiting for it to happen.
On fire! |
Registered: January 1970
Messages: 1095
An "irregular offer" is doing something for someone that no one else has "the time to do". It's so sad that people don't even take the time nowadays to look around and see everyone who needs help.
There's a Phil Collins song with the lyrics:
"Turn it off if you want to...
"Switch it off, it'll go away."
Too many people do just that.......hoping it will just go away.
*Teach a child to tie his shoe
*Really listen to an elderly person talk about when they were young
*Eat lunch with that kid who always eats alone
*Hold the hand of a scared friend
*Giving your jacket to someone who needs one
Just be aware of the people around you.....you're right; don't wait to help someone.......it's all around you. Your hand may be all they need to get up on their feet. Go that extra inch or mile.
I know 'Pay It Forward' is about $$$ but I don't have any, so I have to find other ways to help.
Needs to get a life! |
Registered: March 2003
Messages: 4729
Give a man a fish and he eats for one day,
Teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
More often than not just smiling, saying hello, holding a door open, the little pleasantries that make just living from one day to another endurable help people in ways you could never imagine.
But there comes a point where help becomes a crutch. Where an individual will become dependant on the aid offered to such a point that they feel no need to even attempt to better their situation.
Also, there are the helpers, people who feel that their words are as from on high. Gospel. They go about dispensing advice without any idea of the possible damage they can impart on unwitting people.
Life is great for me... Most of the time... But then I meet people online... Very few are real friends... Many say they are but know nothing of what it means... Some say they are, but are so shallow...
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
Dear Shem
I have received the paperwork & all is fine. Thank you very much for not giving
up on us - VTAC will be in touch.
...it is a dream of Shem's to attend a University. Now it seems his dreams are coming true.
Shem, I am SO proud of you. You're incredibly smart with quite a wit and personality to boot. You have quite a life and career ahead of you, kiddo. Keep it up, you're doing awesome.
Once again, I am thrilled that you're fulfilling your dream. We're all very proud, Shem. 
"Whatever is sought for can be caught, you know,
whatever is neglected slips away."
Oedipus Rex, lines 126-127
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