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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
Hi, maybe some of you remember me, I am Ruggero, the guy who had an impossible love story in his teens, well, thank God I have fallen in love again, real painful love, and guess what: another impossible one. Just my luck. This time at least we talk about on the IM, he has a lover, so you see, we must whisper. Maybe, if God would just take me, maybe I would be in peace for once!!! If you want to understand how I feel, visit http://www.qe287.com/fadeaway.html
thanks for listening I really need help, I really want to die, this time, enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13783
http://www.planetout.com is a place where,with careful filtering of replies to your advert and with replying to other people, you might find love without strings.
Your current IM Love may also find you are the better of the loves he has, one never knows.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
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Registered: January 1970
Messages: 216
Hwy U, dont you DaRE try that stuff ok?? What makes ya think you are worth so little that you would THINK of trying huh>??? Please DONT and think before you over react ok??
I and I am sure that others, care about you and woulD NOT like to see you try anything bad. Just remember, my Roos can find ANYONE ok?? Hugs mate and dont let it get ya down too much ok?? This is a LARGE HUG <----00---->
People have a habit of changing your direction through life
Hey U, dont you DaRE try that stuff ok?? What makes ya think you are worth so little that you would THINK of trying huh>??? Please DONT and think before you over react ok??
I and I am sure that others, care about you and woulD NOT like to see you try anything bad. Just remember, my Roos can find ANYONE ok?? Hugs mate and dont let it get ya down too much ok?? This is a LARGE HUG <----00---->
People have a habit of changing your direction through life
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
Thank you my friend, it is so good that there is somebody in this world who cares a little about me, I am so tired, my dear friend, so much tired, and I cannot find a good reason to go on, I hurt every day of my life, I cannot endure all this any longer.

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13783
you need to look at life differently. OK, easy to say, tougher to do. What if the guy you really want is just around the next corner? isn;t he worth finding?
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
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Registered: January 1970
Messages: 190
You make some of the nicest web sites that I have seen, and I do really like that song. We all go though spurts when life does not feel very fulfilling and we wish that god would just end it. However, doing so penalizes the people around us that love us--just because we are unhappy. In addition, life gets better and for some periods, really great. It would be ashame to lose all that. To miss those experiences. To prevent some other individual from receiving all of the love and happiness that you give out.
I really hope that love will see better days for you.
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Registered: November 2002
Messages: 732
It's good to see you here again! I hope you'll stay and visit for awhile. I think we all have those periods in our life where it doesn't seem worth it. But, think about it, you HAVE fallen in love again. This may not be "the right one" but you are showing that you have the ability to love and others are interested in you. Hang in there - I do think God has a plan, and for most people, he will eventually bring you someone special if you can be patient with him. No, I know it's not easy and sometimes we feel like He's just teasing us. Maybe we can keep you company a bit while you wait?
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Registered: January 1970
Messages: 216
It is refreshing to see the responses of love being sent out to this person,it lets me know that there ARE loving people out there.I cannot help but hear a cry for help.With respect I think we are here for you and each other. I do get depressed a lot as my legs do not work and it is very hard to get around. I too am in a lot of pain.sometimes I lash out rather than reach out.I am glad that I found this site.But you see I have a very serious problem.Timmy turned me into a frog and I am not too happy.Just be thankful your not a frog.I suspect things could be worse but being an ingredient of frog soup is not my idea of fun! Please take some time to smell the flowers.Think good thoughts,do good deeds and love good people. rob
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
Thank you for the warm words, you are right, so right, I love you for taking the time to write me these words.
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
Thank you my unknown friend, yes I will stay here more often, you have warmed up my heart.
Much love
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
You are right, I am ashamed about complaining, sorry, you're so much wiser than I am, and for the kind words I send you all my love.
Thanks again
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Registered: January 1970
Messages: 216
forget all that mushy love stuff just get timmy to remove the frog spell he cast on me. rob
Keep this positive picture in your mind and your heart. Somehow you will gradually move towards the picture in your head. A smile on your face will change your mood, try it.
All my best.
P.S. Very nice stuff Rob, will ask Timmy about the frog spell. hehe.
"Be excellent to each other, and, party on dudes"!
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Location: London, England
Registered: November 2006
Messages: 465
As usual, I come late. But not too late, I hope.
Ruggero, others here have responded to you very eloquently and I hope that what they wrote has touched your heart as it has mine.
I know how much unrequited love hurts. I won't tell you that you will get over it, because that is not true. But if you really want to find a love that is returned, you must go out and find it and not hope that it might turn up in impossible places.
I suffer with you, and I hope that one day I shall rejoice with you.
Hang in there.
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
Thank you my friend for taking the time to care about a stranger, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
I feel so in debt with everybody that has replied to my cry for help, and especially you, Steve, your words are so kind and so well written~~~
Thank you my new friend
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
smith, I am honored that you like my site, you can visit it anytime you like. You are right, I must be positive, and you are the first to know: tomorrow I am meeting, for the first time, this person I love so much, it is going to be a beautiful thing, we are going to be at the beach watching the sea, and, althoug we know it is an impossible situation, we are going to promise to love each other for the rest of our lives; this would be the first time that we will be alone, no sex, that is not what we want, it is deeper than that.
So, thanks my friend, it seems that all the positive energy received by you all has changed my life. No, I don't want to die anymore, I want to live and enjoy what I can.
I love you my dear friend.
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Location: London, England
Registered: November 2006
Messages: 465
What you have written in response to smith is very encouraging. If it is not too private perhaps you can explain to us why this newfound love is "impossible". Coraggio, amico mio.

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13783
There you are.
Now, it's time Rob, you told us a little bit about you, too. Hugs you
And Ruggero? HUGS tight too.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
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Registered: January 1970
Messages: 216
AWSHIT ---- I thought i was going to get famous by being the only frog to swim the Atlantic.Now thats a bust.Now a little about my self. A mixture of pixie dust sprinkled with an inventive sense of humor and an overload of motormouth.Made more mistakes in life than a dog has fleas and self destructive by nature.Been there and done that. Most of my life has been spent building a shell around myself not letting people inside. Only within the past several years has that shell managed to crack. These nifty stories were the diamond cutter that did the deed. I cannot begin to describe the emotions and other processes that began to open my heart but I can tell you all one thing,I began to cry a lot.I also began to dream a lot too. Not just bedtime dreams either. I guess the spiritual awakening that I had was that I dreamed of a better world and began to write how such could happen.You all helped shape that dream. There is a key,that is-love GOD with all my heart,Think good thoughts,say good words-do good deeds and love good people. robert
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Registered: January 1970
Messages: 216
hey guy you reminded me to a time when i was about 15.Just walking over to a radio hams house,that person was to help me with setting up a ham radio station at our high-school, I almost stumbled into the boy that was to occupy my thoughts and dreams for many years.(some 47 years to be exact). I think at that very instant time stood still for both of us it was so profound.We just stood there,starring into each others eyes.No words were spoken for some few moments,they were not needed.Not having any idea what a SOULMATE was,somehow I just knew I had found mine. Long story short,James and I fell in love but it wasnt ment to be.My parents soon put two and two togeather and did every thing to seperate us. James became depressed and took his own life and that destroyed my life. I tell you this not to garner any simpathy but just to say that bad things happen. Try living a life,if you can call it that,With face and voice BURNED into heart and soul. I wish you well and may you find joy and fullfillment. All things are possible under GOD. r
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
Hi, steve, you asked and I am telling. I have no problem with this. Thru a girlfriend of mine, I met these to friends of hers, two lovers (men of course) who have been together for 30 years, (I have a lover too, 15 years). I immediately felt a strong attratcion for one of the two guys, actually, much more than an attracion, (love?). I thought I would not see him again anyway, instead they invited us to dinner, and there I knew I was in love, I did not wanted to be, but it happened, a love so strong that was making my life impossible. What to do, I don't want to leave my friend, even if the flaming romance has gone, he is my family, and the same for the other guy!! I struggled so much, did not know what to do, and worst we started talking on the IM, an little by little he opened to me, telling how much he needed me, and how unhappy this situation made him. Then it became an obsession for both of us, stealing a touch here, a look there, always in the company of our respective lovers. To make the story short, we decided to meet, in Key Biscayne (Miami) because we needed to be alone and talk to each other, we sat in my car for hours telling each other how much we loved one another, but we are adults, and we know this story cannot have a happy ending, so there you have it, we are not going to run away, do anything stupid or whatever, but have decided to just talk, and that's enough for both of us, although we are dying inside to be in each other arms, but, as I said, what we have must be enough, and I will tell you the truth, I am happy because I have sombody who tells me he loves me more than anything in the world, and I feel the same and I tell him any chance I get. Now, this is not a glamorous story, Iknow, but it is my story, and to be loved is something essential in life, so I am happy with what I have, no, no sex, sorry. Ciao amico mio.
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Location: Miami, Florida
Registered: October 2002
Messages: 21
What happened to you makes my problem so insignificant, I am soooo very sorry, my friend, I don't have words to tell you how much, and I can certainly understand you, my life has been miserable almost always, but you, my God!! You put things in the right prospective for me, compared to your tragedy, my story is a joke!! So sorry, my friend, my heart goes to you and your lost love, I mean it, I really do, I wish one could turn time around so you could have your love back, oh my God, I don't have words to tell you how sorry I am!!!
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