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Forum: General Talk
 Topic: A reminder: The purpose of this forum
A reminder: The purpose of this forum  [message #69431] Thu, 09 April 2015 09:28

Has no life at all
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13756

Long, long ago, and far, far way, I started this site for reasons that are unrelated to stories. The site is about gay kids and the adults they become who are in pain. The site is for those folk, folk like you, folk like me. The forum has always been, first and foremost, for those folk, leavened by banter, humour, light heartedness.

Look back deep into the older posts and you will find folk who have used the forum to start to work through the horrors that beset them, sometimes horrors made by others, sometimes horrors made by them, themselves. So are answered, most are answered. Some are simply the poster needing to expose their demons to their own scrutiny.

I just want to remind you, perhaps especially my email friend who told me that the site is not an agony aunt, that it is. It most assuredly is.

[Updated on: Sat, 11 April 2015 07:36]

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Welcome "Andychan®"
Welcome "Andychan®"  [message #69360] Tue, 24 March 2015 18:10
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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I simply have no idea what was on my mind the day I responded to your AudioBook thread.

Welcome, it's great having you here; and again thanks for the offer of the digital sound version of your story. It is greatly appreciated.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
 Topic: Welcome "Mark®"
Welcome "Mark®"  [message #69329] Fri, 20 March 2015 01:50
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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Better late than not at all.

Surely I can do better than simply Wow!

Lurking for some time, and an author you say; whose fiction is featured here at APOS?  Wonderful.  More get busy reading for me to do.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
 Topic: Are there really more?
Are there really more?  [message #69242] Mon, 09 March 2015 14:28

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Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13756

Every day homosexuality is more and more mainstream. I nearly said 'normal', which would have been an error and simply shows my indoctrination by hetero-normative folk.

More kids, more adults, more musicians, more TV presenters, more... people, are content for us to know that they are gay. 

That is so in the civilised world, at least.

We have to hope that the uncivilised world follows suit. We have to hope that our LGBT contemporaries in repressive parts of the world can survive and then prosper.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Gay youth couple on "The Fosters"
Gay youth couple on "The Fosters"  [message #69235] Mon, 09 March 2015 03:24

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There's a TV show on called "The Fosters" (it's about a lesbian couple who are raising a blended family of biological, adopted and foster children; it's being brodcast in the U.S. and Canada that I'm aware of, though I don't know if it's on elsewhere).

The episode broadcast on March 2nd featured a kiss between two 13-year-old male characters, and is being considered as one of the (if not the) youngest same-sex kisses ever portrayed on American TV.  An article on it (including a clip of the kiss scene itself, found at the bottom of the article) can be found on:

http://www.advocate.com/arts-entertainment/2015/03/03/same-s ex-kiss-abc-familys-fosters-could-be-youngest-tv-history
 Topic: Look! LGBT folk are just folk
Look! LGBT folk are just folk  [message #69176] Tue, 03 March 2015 09:07

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Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13756

These folk are folk who are LGBT and who went before. And gosh, they are ordinary folk. No dnager to society, no attacks on marriage, just folk

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Collar and cuffs!
Collar and cuffs!  [message #69124] Mon, 23 February 2015 18:32

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Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13756

Several new questions:

Hair colour - Blonds

Only answer if your head is/was naturally blond. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Light brown

Only answer if your head is/was naturally light brown. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Dark brown

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Dark brown. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - A touch of red

Only answer if your head is/was naturally a touch of red. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Red

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Red. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Hair colour - Black

Only answer if your head is/was naturally Black. What colour are/were your pubes?

A touch of red
Light brown
Dark brown

Current Results

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: On the far side of the globe...
On the far side of the globe...  [message #68796] Wed, 24 December 2014 21:05
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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... it has already turned the 25th of December and the Christian celebration of Christmas has begun anew for another year.

Kindly accept my best wishes to all here at A Place Of Safety for healthy, prosperous and above all else safe holiday season.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

 Topic: I sort of tripped over this topic at the CBC...
I sort of tripped over this topic at the CBC...  [message #68713] Tue, 11 November 2014 04:51
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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and immediately wanted to share it with everyone here.

The past year, the anniversary of the beginning of World War I, has been riddled with controversy of one description or another.  This article provides a different perspective on an otherwise sorry story:

'No job for a boy': WW I through eyes of a Canadian teen soldier

Thought provoking to say the very least.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

[Updated on: Tue, 11 November 2014 04:52]

 Topic: Hello. again... Hi.
Hello. again... Hi.  [message #68711] Tue, 11 November 2014 04:34
Josh is currently offline  Josh

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Registered: April 2006
Messages: 1012

Hi everyone.

Does anyone have any cures or rather sudden depression^^;

I'm in the middle of writing something, which I'll share later.
Take care.

You're all beautiful people. And im glad APOS exists. I"m thankful for each of you.
Take care okay. And stay happy.
Find people you love and hold on to them.

Bye. I guess.

 Topic: Ashley, our friend from another place reminds me...
Ashley, our friend from another place reminds me...  [message #68707] Mon, 10 November 2014 14:53
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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that tomorrow is Remembrance Day throughout much of the Commonwealth and a handful of other countries.

Please, do take a moment or two, pausing and reflecting upon the sacrifice these often to us nameless warriors have made in the cause of rights and freedoms a goodly portion of the World enjoys; which we likely would not have without them.

With Canada's renewed involvement in the middle east this past month, however regrettable, our "Highway of Heros" will likely see more activity in the foreseeable future after a almost two-year hiatus.  Whilst I initially had objected to the re-naming of Ontario's MacDonald-Cartier Freeway, the nation has embraced with previously unheard of compassion the passage of each flag-draped casket as it has slowly traveled down that highway from CFB Trenton to Toronto's Centre for Forensic Sciences for processing upon each fallen soldier's return to Canada.  Thousands of Canadians, caps in hand with heads bowed each, and every time, have lined the long unbroken stretches of roadway and every over- and under-pass, from one end to the other, as traffic lights are put on hold, one after another, as the cortège approaches and then passes by, bringing all vehicles to a halt, in sequence throughout its' entire length of nearly two hundred kilometres.

Like last year, Alan and I will be attending Remembrance day Mass at out local Church with one of the Church-ladies we've become involved with in a couple of local charities this past few years.

This year my son and I both will be sporting (as we have all Remembrance Week) fabulous "White" cloth Poppies so generously provided to me by an acquaintance of ours, and yours, Nick Weeks; you may remember him.

Thank you Nick, I love reading the stories you share about the new home and your settling in. Keep them coming.

[Updated on: Mon, 10 November 2014 14:56]

 Topic: Exotic Pets
icon5.gif Exotic Pets  [message #68703] Thu, 06 November 2014 14:22
Michael-Kent Dobison is currently offline  Michael-Kent Dobison

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Howdy All,

Hope you are all keeping well - been a bit of a crazy year but starting to round up to a head now.. lets just say I can't wait for  a holiday season break Wink

So this is greatly related to nothing we do here but I was curious, as I often am, as to whether any of the forum visitors & members keep exotic pets and what it is that you keep?
Despite my initial thoughts and assumptions, it has become quite clear that the UK has a much higher concentration of Exotic Pet owners anmd traders than I had expected.

Seen as I'm asking the questions - here is a quick answer from my side:
1. Dumerils Boa
6. Mixed het. leopard geckos
10. New & Old World Tarantulas

My base infatuation with these creatures is their behavior and how they physiology and behavior changes as they get older. Aprt from the geckos the Tarantulas and my snake will live well into their twenties so in some cases the creatures you keep are more long term that looking after kids... which is also just fine by me Wink

Thanks again All and remember to have some fun - Forever is a long time... even longer given the defecit of Rum Wink LOL

"And so the lion fell in love with the Lamb"
"What a stupid Lamb"
"What a sick, masochistic lion"
 Topic: A bite of the apple
A bite of the apple  [message #68692] Thu, 30 October 2014 18:07

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Messages: 13756

Apple chief Tim Cook: 'I'm proud to be gay'

Now we are starting to get traction. All the sacrifices of those who have gone before are starting to be worthwhile.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: New topic!
New topic!  [message #68677] Tue, 28 October 2014 16:09
Josh is currently offline  Josh

On fire!

Registered: April 2006
Messages: 1012

By me! Two in one day!
New record! Awesome!

Don't you just love life sometimes? Smile
Isn't it just awesome! Smile
 I won't be posting three in one day. Don't want to take up the whole board. Smile
Take care everyone.

Love you all.

 Topic: Self Assessment
Self Assessment  [message #68520] Sat, 05 July 2014 20:56

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Messages: 13756

We have a new poll

Please choose a definition of yourself that you would use as the closest to how you identify yourself

Gay and single
Gay and single, seeking life partner
Gay and single, promiscuous
Gay and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right guy
Gay and Married/partnered to an opposite sex partner
Gay and with a same sex life partner
Gay with an opposite sex friend cover
Gay and reclusive with no involvement
Bisexual and single
Bisexual and single, seeking life same sex partner
Bisexual and single, seeking life opposite sex partner
Bisexual and single, seeking life either sex partner
Bisexual and single, promiscuous
Bisexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right guy
Bisexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right girl
Bisexual and single, not promiscuos, content to be so, but open to the right person, boy or girl
Bisexual and Married/partnered to an same sex partner
Bisexual and Married/partnered to an opposite sex partner
Bisexual and reclusive with no involvement
Heterosexual and single
Heterosexual and single, seeking life partner
Heterosexual and single, promiscuous
Heterosexual and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right person
Heterosexual and Married/partnered
Heterosexual and reclusive with no involvement
Heterosexual, but dammit I want to try it with a same sex partner at least once
Trans and single
Trans and single, seeking life partner
Trans and single, promiscuous
Trans and single, not promiscuous, content to be so, but open to the right person
Trans and Married/partnered
Trans and reclusive with no involvement
Ok, you tried, but I can't find an answer that works for me
I just like answering surveys

Current Results

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: "The Transgender Tipping Point" Time Mag's 1st Transgender Cover Lady :)
icon5.gif "The Transgender Tipping Point" Time Mag's 1st Transgender Cover Lady :)  [message #68502] Fri, 30 May 2014 11:23
Michael-Kent Dobison is currently offline  Michael-Kent Dobison

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Messages: 309

American celebrity Laverne Cox has become the first transgender person to appear on the cover of Time magazine. 

http://www.mambaonline.com/2014/05/30/time-magazines-first-t rans-cover/

I find mass pleasure and excitement in these little things but I may have a Question - Progress for the sake of Progress?

"And so the lion fell in love with the Lamb"
"What a stupid Lamb"
"What a sick, masochistic lion"
 Topic: Story categories
Story categories  [message #68433] Wed, 26 March 2014 10:11

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Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13756

Looking at Nifty I have noticed a huge increase in the Incest section. This is a weird mixture of fathers and sons. Now I do know that there was a period of about 6 months when my own son looked really hot, and I imagine a heterosexual father of a daughter finds her hot at some stage, too, but there seems to be a whole industry of stories about father/son sex. And any old excuse will do to get the two into a sexual scenario.

What's with that?

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: I stumbled across ...
I stumbled across ...  [message #68398] Tue, 18 March 2014 12:29
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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... firstly, the vidéo entitled "Am I normal - Penis?" on some obscure gay-adult blog when searching for something totally unrelated; and secondly, the originating web-site when I went looking for more information about it this remarkable short film and immediately thought of the youngsters (both hidden and not) who hang about our forum.

The parent web-site:  Embarrassing Bodies

For teenagers:  Embarrassing Teenage Bodies

A wealth of information for those of us aging, and not, will be found on the parent site too.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

 Topic: Rosary!
Rosary!  [message #68397] Mon, 17 March 2014 18:41

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Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Who needs an altar boy?
icon5.gif Who needs an altar boy?  [message #68396] Mon, 17 March 2014 15:28

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Ah, of course, the priest does!

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: An interesting tumblr
An interesting tumblr  [message #68374] Tue, 11 March 2014 18:30

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Some of you will wonder why I like this blog since it contains ~gasp~ ladies as well as gentlemen, and also has pieces of string involved, but, if you discount the pictures that are not to your taste, I think you will find a heady mine of things you like. At the current count there are 920 pages with 15 posts per page.

The ladies buggering the gentlemen are more interesting than I anticipated.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: "Only in Canada, you say?"
"Only in Canada, you say?"  [message #68359] Fri, 07 March 2014 14:46
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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Apparently Brooke-Bond, the originators of the uniquely Canadian tea-blend "Red Rose" aren't the only ones.  Straight (no pun intended) from the pages of this morning's online tabloid Pink News I give you:

Canada: Gay porn channel told to 'show more Canadian content'


The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) confirms.  Somehow I missed these:

2 porn channels may need more Canadian content, CRTC saysCRTC says not enough Can-Con porn; XXX actor responds

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
 Topic: Something bubbling to the surface of long ago forgotten memories ...
Something bubbling to the surface of long ago forgotten memories ...  [message #68296] Wed, 29 January 2014 02:36
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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... regarding the names Dave Kopay and Jerry Smith prompted me to follow the first of these links and subsequently each of the others in turn.

I am so very glad that I did, and I feel certain that you will be too; not-the-least amongst us being the ever present youngsters lurking in the background.  Each segment is only 7-8 minutes in duration, and may viewed out of sequence with no loss in continuity.

Former Washington Redskins football player talks about love affair with teammate

'A Football Life': trailer - Jerry Smith

'A Football Life': Jerry Smith - Private life becomes public

'A Football Life': Jerry Smith - A known secret

'A Football Life': Jerry Smith - Living a double life

'A Football Life': Jerry Smith - Staring death in the face

'A Football Life': backstory - How Jerry Smith changed perception

'A Football Life': Bill Parcells - The start of something special

'A Football Life': Bill Parcells - Bad tuna turns green

'A Football Life': extra - Best of Jerry Rice

Hard to believe that this story was playing our right before my very eyes as a youngster and I can't recall even being aware of it other than the two names.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

[Updated on: Wed, 29 January 2014 02:39]

 Topic: Happy harvest time
Happy harvest time  [message #68061] Sat, 19 October 2013 19:49
Smokr is currently offline  Smokr

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 Topic: Always nice to see new folk
Always nice to see new folk  [message #68004] Thu, 19 September 2013 21:48
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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It's always nice to see free talent visiting and then staying awhile.  Speak up loud and clear and one of us is certain to answer you.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
 Topic: The Equinox
The Equinox  [message #68003] Thu, 19 September 2013 21:09
Nigel is currently offline  Nigel

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The equinox will soon be upon us - Sunday, 22 September, 20.44 hrs GMT/UTC.  The sun will appear to cross the equator somewhere mid-Pacific Ocean.  Look after it, Kiwi, cos we'll need it back up here in the north in good condition.  It'll be Monday with you, when it happens.


I dream of boys with big bulges in their trousers,
Never of girls with big bulges in their blouses.

…and look forward to meeting you in Cóito.
 Topic: Final Fantasy?
Final Fantasy?  [message #67996] Mon, 16 September 2013 15:57

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No, I am not inciting you to do it! I'm just thinking that what goes around comes around.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Wayback Machine
Wayback Machine  [message #67995] Mon, 16 September 2013 09:36

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Messages: 13756

I realised that we had failed to remove the forum form the Wayback Machine. I have taken steps today to remove it from that index. The main site is not in the index anyway.

If you know of other similar web archiving sites I would be grateful to know more about them, and, ideally, how to remove us from them. 

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: It Gets Worse
It Gets Worse  [message #67861] Tue, 06 August 2013 20:30
kiwi is currently offline  kiwi

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A rare good news story - http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/9006962/For-straights-it-o nly-gets-worse

 Topic: The problem with monogamy
icon14.gif The problem with monogamy  [message #67844] Tue, 23 July 2013 13:51

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Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Kicked Out For Being Gay.....
Kicked Out For Being Gay.....  [message #67797] Wed, 12 June 2013 14:14
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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Kicked Out For Being Gay, Young Man Goes On 'America's Got Talent' And Stuns Judges
NEW ORLEANS, LA -- A 20 year old unemployed youth from Lawrenceburg, Tennessee, told America's Got Talent's judges that his parents had kicked him out for being Gay. Jonathan Allen was thrown out of his house on his 18th birthday for being gay, he then was unemployed and decided to pursue his dream of singing by going on Americas Got Talent.

[Updated on: Wed, 12 June 2013 14:40]

 Topic: Cutest Couple
Cutest Couple  [message #67796] Thu, 06 June 2013 19:28
Smokr is currently offline  Smokr

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Nice story on same-sex couple winning Cutest Couple in N.Y. high school.

http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/04/us/new-york-same-sex-couple-ye arbook/index.html?hpt=hp_t3

 Topic: Star Trek TOS gay fanfic
Star Trek TOS gay fanfic  [message #67780] Fri, 24 May 2013 12:22
Smokr is currently offline  Smokr

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Totally well done, love it! An entire episode, with a storyline. Not perfect, but danged nice.

 Topic: I woke up to this, this morning, and simply ...
I woke up to this, this morning, and simply ...  [message #67768] Sun, 19 May 2013 11:34
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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... can't believe it to be happening.

Not from the United Kingdom, and certainly not from the United Kingdom in this time and place:

Government considers watered down same-sex marriage bill to minimise Tory rebellion

Maybe 20-years ago, or as little as 10; but, not now.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
 Topic: Is love all one needs?
Is love all one needs?  [message #67703] Wed, 24 April 2013 22:30

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Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: A "Boy Scouts of America" feel-good moment!
A "Boy Scouts of America" feel-good moment!  [message #67698] Mon, 22 April 2013 18:45
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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The following article is featured this afternoon at Andy Towel's TOWELROAD gay news and information blog:

Gay Filmmakers Give Boy Scouts 'Most Fun They've Ever Had' in Scouting: VIDEO

Just the sugar-cured panacea needed to salve a goodly number of aches and pains; but, be forewarned the article includes three inter-related videos in addition to the central one being the subject of the story.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

 Topic: Daily I skim a variety of ...
Daily I skim a variety of ...  [message #67691] Sun, 21 April 2013 14:26
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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... news and information web-sites, usually in the predawn hours of early morning, my hitting upon at least a dozen or thereabouts of them, selected from a bookmarked list of those that have proven themselves to be of some merit.

This morning I realized that over the past month or so, amounting lately to about once in every three or four days, I had been reading what appears to be a somewhat regular feature at BOX TURTLE BULLETIN, a daily Blog our membership will recall has made a career out of reporting upon and admonishing "Religion Nazi" goings on, especially those taking place in troubled Africa. Largely because of that coverage, and the horrific details which seemed for a great long while to emanate daily from it's pages, I found myself avoiding the web-site as if it, itself, had the proverbial plague.

Over the past 10-years I have periodically written about one internet gem, or another, as I have stumbled upon them. TODAY IN HISTORY, a sub-text of nearly each day's THE DAILY AGENDA at BOX TURTLE BULLETIN is just such a feature; one that I find myself looking back and reading in the preceding few days of the Blog's daily coverage.

TODAY IN HISTORY is a topic widely reported by a goodly and disparate number of news services; but, what sets BOX TURTLE BULLETIN'S edition apart from all of the rest is its' completely gay-themed focus, and the in depth coverage of the stories it features. Many, if not most, of these vignettes, are American-centric; but all are significantly off-beat to be of value to readers everywhere for the often arcane knowledge imparted by the feature's authors.

This one too, is worthy of your time.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

 Topic: Hate crime
Hate crime  [message #67635] Thu, 04 April 2013 10:03
Kitzyma is currently offline  Kitzyma

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The definition of hate crime victims is now being extended to different groups.

Personally, I'm against the whole concept of defining something as a hate crime. If someone beats me up, I don't give a toss whether he's done it as a bit of random fun, or to steal my wallet, or because I'm gay. I want the bastard caught and punished as severely as the law allows.

If a woman is raped, why should it matter whether it's because the perpetrator hates women and wants to dominate them, or whether he just can't be bothered to control his desire, or even because he wants to make as many babies as he can?

My view is that the punishment for a crime should depend on the amount of suffering of the victim, not on the reason for the crime. Of course, if the guy beating me up does it while calling me a disgusting queer, that may add to my suffering and thereby deserve a more severe sentence.

Trying to get a jury to really understand what was going on the the mind of the criminal is fraught with problems. Maybe he doesn't hate queers and is beating me up for another reason but adding the 'queer' insults because he wants to cause me more anguish. Then perhaps he could bring evidence that he doesn't hate queers and get off the 'hate crime' aspect of the charges against him. Yet I will still have had the same suffering and anguish.

So, I'd get rid of the whole legal concept of hate crimes.

 Topic: Channing Tatum: A Class Act.
Channing Tatum: A Class Act.  [message #67623] Thu, 28 March 2013 06:20
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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Location: Canada
Registered: December 2003
Messages: 869

Reported in yesterday's THE SUN Channing Tatum apparently has come out on the side of the angels.

Channing Tatum: I would have sex with George Clooney

This hot on the heels of another famous person's candid, if not entirely tongue-in-cheek response a week earlier, as revealed by THE PINK NEWS to an over-enthusiastic fan having slipped him his telephone number with the suggestion that he should call.

Prince Harry: I might experiment with gay men if my relationship doesn't work out

Spring must certainly be just over the horizon; love is apparently in the air, at least amongst the new metrosexuals, or so it would seem.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada
 Topic: A little light entertainment
A little light entertainment  [message #67617] Mon, 25 March 2013 21:38
Smokr is currently offline  Smokr

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Registered: July 2010
Messages: 399

How about we step aside from the heavy discourse for a moment to enjoy a little light levity?
My sister-in-law sent this to me today. Maybe I just needed a laugh, but I found them hilarious.

Good, Bad & the Ugly

1. Good: Your wife is pregnant.
Bad: It's triplets
Ugly: You had a vasectomy five years ago.

2. Good: Your wife's not talking to you
Bad: She wants a divorce
Ugly: She's a lawyer

3. Good: Your son is finally maturing
Bad: He's involved with the woman next door
Ugly: So are you

4. Good: Your son studies a lot in his room
Bad: You find several porn movies hidden there
Ugly: You're in them

5. Good: Your hubby and you agree, no more kids
Bad: You can't find your birth control pills
Ugly: Your daughter borrowed them

6. Good: Your husband understands fashion
Bad: He's a cross-dresser
Ugly: He looks better than you

7. Good: You give the "birds and bees" talk to your daughter
Bad: She keeps interrupting
Ugly: With corrections

8. Good: The postman's early
Bad: He's wearing fatigues and carrying a shotgun
Ugly: You gave him nothing for Christmas

9. Good: You son is dating someone new
Bad: It's an older man
Ugly: He's your best friend

10. Good: Your daughter got a new job
Bad: As a hooker
Ugly: Your coworkers are her best clients
Way ugly: She makes more money than you do

[Updated on: Mon, 25 March 2013 21:39]

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