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 Topic: A thought for the new year
icon12.gif A thought for the new year  [message #66427] Tue, 10 January 2012 14:41

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As you all know I will not be here much. But sometimes I see something that is worth sharing: http://www.whof.net/apps/blog/show/11535894

[Updated on: Tue, 10 January 2012 14:47]

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: The drunk Scotsman
The drunk Scotsman  [message #66422] Fri, 06 January 2012 03:38
CallMePaul is currently offline  CallMePaul

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To add a chuckle to your day. By the way, thanks to Nigel for passing this on to me. I thought I should share.


Youth crisis hot-line 866-488-7386, 24 hr (U.S.A.)
There are people who want to help you cope with being you.
 Topic: An English murder mystery...
An English murder mystery...  [message #66419] Wed, 04 January 2012 14:21
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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...imagine that. Agatha Christie would be shocked, as I am sure many of the English are today. Not by the recently discovered murder, a dispicable act in itself, but by the reports covering the incident.

Sandringham, as I understand it, is Queen Elizabeth's country estate and covers about 30 square miles. That's enough territory to encompass a city like New York since Manhatten Island is slightly smaller. But you would think by the reports that the body was found in the Queen's parlor.

A reporter on CNN said that the royal family vacationed there over the holidays without realizing they had a murder victim in their midst. Midst?

You know if any of us said something like that in a story posted to this site we would hear the laughter for weeks. Midst indeed. I wonder why the talking heads on the news are not held to the same standard as those who work in print. Is it that television is such a vapid and insidious waste of time?

That get's my vote. >Sad

Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: Ho, Ho, Ho ...
Ho, Ho, Ho ...  [message #66413] Sun, 25 December 2011 15:20
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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Anyone here got an amusing Holiday season anecdote to share?

I'll start the ball rolling with one of my own. This is a true story. It actually happened to me and my then lover Jon back in the day.

We had been vacationing in Bermuda prior to the advent of Christmas week and were on our return flight when the worst winter storm in generations hit the entire eastern seaboard of North America from Labrador to Florida. All air and most sea-based traffic was cancelled and everything quickly ground to a halt. Our flight was diverted to Kennedy International Airport. Our airline issued accommodation vouchers to all the passengers and arranged transportation to downtown New York City.

There is something YOU MUST PICTURE here to appreciate the full impact of this story.

Not-with-standing severe storm warnings having been broadcast for some hours prior to our departure (which I can't recall whether we ever actually had heard), Jon and I had started our journey from Hamilton Bermuda not quite two hours earlier in balmy 70 degrees Fahrenheit, or thereabouts temperatures; and because, we had fully expected to be going from limousine to aeroplane to limousine we hadn't bothered to change from our vacation wear to standard street attire suitable for Toronto (or anywhere else for that matter) walking about; consequently, we arrived at our assigned New York City hotel, alighting from the taxi on to the sidewalk into a foot of snow clad only in tank-t's, shorts and sneakers. Our baggage was still aboard the aeroplane, and would remain there for the next 24-hours when it was subsequently determined our flight (nor anyone else's) was not going to resume any time soon.

Presenting ourselves and our airline accommodation voucher at the front desk of the hotel we were informed they had no rooms available, leaving Jon and I in a quandary about what to do. We weren't able to go walk about, our clothing was quarantined for how long we didn't know, and apparently we now had no place to park ourselves either.

Near despair (and about to erupt in hysteria) I spotted a familiar face in an adjacent marquée: Karl Malden was smiling right back at me urging that I "never leave home without it". Upon spotting this missive, I promptly did an about-face and marched right back up to the front desk and demanded to know of the clerk whether the hotel honoured "American Express". They did, and Jon and I successfully upgraded our airline accommodation vouchers to a suite of rooms for the duration of what transpired being 4-days.

In my nearly 35-year career in marketing, this would likely prove to be the only time I ever encountered real truth in advertising.

If I get suitable response to this thread, I will consider sharing one more, this time detailing Jon's and mine one and only ever experience with a water-bed during a road-travel holiday sojourn to Florida.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

[Updated on: Sun, 25 December 2011 15:27]

"... comme recherché qu'un délice callipygian"
 Topic: I had originally planned on ...
I had originally planned on ...  [message #66412] Sat, 24 December 2011 13:07
The Gay Deceiver is currently offline  The Gay Deceiver

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... posting this missive tonight; but, it would appear that I'm going to be damn busy throughout most of the day and later.

A year ago it was more or less certain, and in some circles, expected that I would not be here.

For a variety of reasons, not the least of these apparently being the fellowship and goodwill extended by many here, I somewhat miraculously awakened from what should have been a fitting and sobering end to a long and gloriously debased and debauched 50-odd year journey partaking of sundry carnal delights.

That I have subsequently continued to daily arise and take a fresh breath with each morning's sunrise stupefies me no end, and I have counted each and every one of them as they have passed as a blessing granted, extended and accepted. My adventure in this World is evidently not quite over, although I can't for the life of me fathom why.

The aforementioned taken as a given, let me to say to you all:

Revel in, and cherish, all interactions with your fellow travelers, extending to them the very same fellowship, courtesy, compassion, truth and honour that you would have them anoint you with. Learn well, and early, the judicious application of not sweating the little things, and thereby become truly able to determine what is actually important to all and not simply white noise.

DO NOT TAKE 62-years, or more, as I have done, to learn this maxim.

Above all else, regardless of your faith, politics or social construct accept and foster the understanding amongst those around you that there can never, ever, be degrees of EQUALITY. "Equal means equal". No more and no less. None of us can ever be more equal than another, and the sooner humankind comes to accept this premise, the sooner we all will learn to live in harmony, and the sooner all will be allowed to be the very best that each and everyone of us has been, and is, destined to be.

TO ALL at A Place of Safety, may I extend my best wishes for your continued safety, good health and personal fulfillment in the coming new year.

Warren C. E. Austin
The Gay Deceiver
Toronto, Canada

"... comme recherché qu'un délice callipygian"
 Topic: Just the Headlines
Just the Headlines  [message #66406] Sat, 17 December 2011 19:25
kiwi is currently offline  kiwi

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Paired Headlines in the World News section of our news this morning -


Dutch church 'abused thousands'
Tens of thousands of children have been victims of sexual abuse by the Roman Catholic Church in the Netherlands since 1945, an independent commission claims.

Pope seems tired
Pope Benedict XVI seems worn out.

Commas matter - 'Party on Dudes' is not the same as 'Party on, Dudes'
 Topic: I have a new nomination for Parents of the Year:
I have a new nomination for Parents of the Year:  [message #66404] Wed, 14 December 2011 20:41
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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Sometimes parents make all the difference in the world, and this pair deserves an amazing amount of respect for the way they handled their family. This could have been a crisis, but instead they did the right thing and listened to their children. Bravo!


Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: A church resource...
icon13.gif A church resource...  [message #66391] Sat, 10 December 2011 22:52
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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I am sure many people look to the resources of their church for many things in life, but this?


Off with their heads, or at least get the kid out of that screwed up home.

Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: A thought provoking move...
A thought provoking move...  [message #66381] Wed, 07 December 2011 17:01
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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What is it about science that scares the religious fanatics so much? Perhaps it is that science attracts athiests who don't see the answers to our Earth bound questions in the divine myth. But in doing so they prove themselves to be a better class of people:


Of course most of us who read these pages understand that freedom of choice is the cornerstone of humanity. Religion seems to shout against the choice because their message is forced upon the children of the believers. Try growing up in a Catholic family and expressing a lack of belief.

So the science of allowing choice in some families is real, and education is always the first step to good choices. Hooray for the scientists. There is nothing wrong with being an athiest unless you run a church and are trying to collect a large amount of money for little return.

Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: Pulling back for a while
Pulling back for a while  [message #66380] Wed, 07 December 2011 14:56

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Over the past few weeks, perhaps months, I have hardly posted. Over the next few weeks, perhaps months, posts by me will be rare. I'm still here. I see what is posted via the RSS feed. But I have no time or space in my head right now to post much, if at all.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: So your friend is gay? Big deal!
icon4.gif So your friend is gay? Big deal!  [message #66370] Mon, 05 December 2011 03:11
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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WASHINGTON -- There are days that I feel completely beat down by the restless onslaught of anti-gay rhetoric and pure crap that spews forth from so-called religious and 'family-values' groups. I realise that in most cases, it's about the money- let's face it folks, demonising LGBTQ people is very profitable.

Here's a classic example: Loudoun County Virginia Supervisor Eugene A. Delgaudio (R-Sterling) makes around $40K per annum as a part-time elected official. Granted, that's not a hug chunk of change but it's not insignificant. But what lets Delgaudio really rake in the dollars, is the $150K plus a year he makes as the self entitled 'Public Advocate of the United States,' a one-man anti-gay propaganda machine he runs out of a run down tiny office in a converted old retail store on the Leesburg Pike in the Bailey's Crossroads of the Falls Church section of Fairfax County, Virginia. His whole operation consists of warnings posted on his webpage and e-mail blasts warning Americans that the homosexuals are gonna take over schools, rape & pillage, and force their 'homosexual agenda' down the throats of every "decent god fearing American." Of course, woven through out these rants are pleas for "your dollars" to help Eugene in his Titanic struggle against the god-less homos.

I could cite other examples- but I won't. Here's the thing, the reason people like Eugene are so successful at separating everyday citizens from their money is simply because there truly isn't anyone countering their message. The LGBTQ Equality Rights Groups? I have seen little or no evidence that what a number of persons refer to as 'Gay Inc.' has any inclination to counter Eugene and his ilk by reaching out directly to the people who count the most in arresting the bigotry, hate speech or misconceptions, the folks I refer to as the 'Mom, Apple Pie, Chevrolet, and Wal-Mart customers.'

Where are the gay positive 15, 30, or even 60 second adverts on national broadcast media? How about adverts in national print publications and newspapers? Where is the much needed campaign to reshape public opinion? All I have seen are damage control efforts and gratuitous portrayals on shows like Glee for example or those seemingly few and far between role models in various fields of endeavor such as sports and entertainment. By the way, I am not disparaging these efforts but rather I contend that they're not enough.

The slain San Francisco City Supervisor Harvey Milk kept pushing the mantra when he was alive; "You've got to come out-you must come out." Supervisor Milk's position was that if LGBTQ persons are seen as simply what they truly are-human beings, then the so-called 'threat' factor to other citizens would be mitigated. While I agree with Milk, I also realise that more can and must be done in this regard.

I ran across this brilliant piece today in the Hindustan Times, published by New Deli, India based writer Sonal Kalra entitled 'So your friend is gay? Big deal!' Ms. Kalra effectively illustrates exactly my point:

Last week, I got two mails from two very different individuals, but with a thread of irony connecting them. One mail was from a young college student, Kabir, from Delhi. ‘I’m gay. I’ve totally accepted this reality of my life, though my family and friends don’t know yet, though I’m sure they suspect. Now, I want to tell my best friend. But, I don’t know how he’ll react. What if he starts avoiding me once I tell him? I don’t want to lose his friendship.”

The other mail, interestingly in a gap of just two days, was from 18-year-old Akshit in Lucknow. “I have a serious problem. I’ve come to know that my best friend is gay. He’s not yet told me, but I feel he soon will. I’m absolutely cool with it, but I don’t know what’s the right way to react when he tells me. I don’t want to lose his friendship.”
Now look at this! The first thought that came to my mind after reading these was how most of our life’s stresses are because we are caught up in mind-webs of our own. We spend more time imagining and worrying about others’ reactions than dealing with things when and if they actually happen.
I just want to say that I’ve had enough of people categorising something as basic and private as sexual orientation — homo or hetero — as a problem. I would say there’s a ‘problem’ if you or your friend is a pervert, dishonest, cheat, thief, ill-mannered (a crime in my dictionary. Yours?). Different sexual preference? I’m sorry, but no ‘problem’ there, my friend. Still, if it is stressing you out, there have to be calmness tips. Here’s my advice for Akshit and all those to whom a friend, or a family member has confessed to be homosexual

1.No drama, please: I don’t know why we think it’s imperative to react to every bit of news. I’m not saying you act indifferent to what someone tells you, but there’s no need for a dramatic reaction to everything in life. If a friend tells you he or she is gay, do NOT say something like ‘Haww. How come?’ or ‘Are you sure?’ or the worst of the lot — ‘It’s okay. I still love you.’ If you use the word ‘still’ as if they’ve told you about some crime they’ve committed, I will beat you up. I mean it. C’mon, man. Somebody is sharing a very, very private part of their life with you. Don’t let the stupidity of your own beliefs come in the way of reacting sensibly. Just tell them you love them, and leave it at that. I still vividly remember an evening 12 years back when one of my close friends told me she’s homosexual. All I felt at that time was, ‘My god, she must trust me a lot to share this with me.’ And my only response to her was, ‘Thanks for telling me.’ It’s one of the few things I’m still proud of. Be sincere. Be honest. Be simple. No tamasha.

2. Don’t let it bother you: Frankly, I don’t believe in beating the chest and saying, ‘I support the rights of gays and lesbians,’ because that just segregates them from other people, when they are no different. I don’t care if you attend marches or parades holding placards. If you really want to make a difference, do just one thing. Don’t treat them differently. That’s it. Hate a gay friend if he or she is a bad friend. Just like you would have hated a straight friend for the same reason. Love them as much, not more, as you would have loved any other good friend.

I honestly don’t think what anyone does behind closed bedroom doors should make a difference to your friendship with them, unless they are doing something to harm you. The thought of homosexuality creeps you out? Fair enough. Who’s asking you to like it? But how does that give you the right to be unreasonable or mocking towards someone who does? Don’t judge people for feelings they can’t control.

I fail to understand why our society, including our cinema, believes in mostly portraying gays as comic characters. At the same time, I fail to understand why a lot of homosexuals are sensitive about that, because that would only mean taking a joke seriously, when it’s not supposed to be. I have a lot of gay friends, just as I have plenty of straight friends. Some are funny, some are a real pain. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with their orientation. Base your friendship on what sort of a person they are… trustworthy, truthful, sincere. Not what gender turns them on, because that’s none of your business. The day you get that fact firmly in your head, you would be sorted in life. And it’s a good feeling.

I REALLY like this columnist folks, and she wraps up with another brilliant observation:

And puhleez, don’t get into an overdrive of trying to understand the psyche of those who just can’t get their heads around homosexuality. The more you try to convince someone, the more it would seem as if your self-respect is dependant on that someone getting convinced. I’m sorry, but it.is.not. It’s OKAY if they don’t understand how you feel. Some things people are just not meant to get. Big deal.

By the way, go read her entire column here: http://www.hindustantimes.com/News-Feed/LifeStyle/So-your-friend-is-gay-Big-deal/Article1-777500.aspx

Look, the truth is that 'corporate christians' and bozos like Eugene are going to continue to successfully take money from those who are ignorant of not only the LGBTQ community, but the real 'christian' intent of folks like Delgaudio. What we need more of is folks like Sonal Kalra to help spread the reality that needs to be heard everyday... So your friend is gay? Big deal!

Brody Levesque is Washington Bureau Chief for LGBTQNation Magazine.
 Topic: RIP Roger Crouch
RIP Roger Crouch  [message #66358] Fri, 02 December 2011 23:54

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Father of Dominic, a boy who took his own life because he was called gay.

Roger is one of the people who made a difference.


Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: To get subtitles press the red cc button
icon14.gif To get subtitles press the red cc button  [message #66306] Fri, 11 November 2011 18:54

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Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: 3 Little Pigs
3 Little Pigs  [message #66295] Wed, 09 November 2011 22:49
kiwi is currently offline  kiwi

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Commas matter - 'Party on Dudes' is not the same as 'Party on, Dudes'
 Topic: This teacher has it right!
icon14.gif This teacher has it right!  [message #66283] Fri, 04 November 2011 21:53
attatood.too is currently offline  attatood.too

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A teacher in New York was teaching her class about bullying and gave them the following exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stamp on it and really mess it up but do not rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty is was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry. Now even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it. That is what happens when a child bully’s another child, they may say they’re sorry but the scars are there forever. The looks on the faces of the children in the classroom told her the message hit home. Pass it on or better yet, if you're a parent or a teacher, do it with your child/children.
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I prefer guys that don't come in a box.
 Topic: Jesus
Jesus  [message #66273] Tue, 01 November 2011 18:37
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Commas matter - 'Party on Dudes' is not the same as 'Party on, Dudes'
 Topic: Pray The Gay Away
Pray The Gay Away  [message #66260] Wed, 26 October 2011 07:59

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This "Pray The Gay Away" video was released by a youtube channel WhiteThroneFilms - http://www.youtube.com/user/WhiteThroneFilms - made by a self styled 'slave of christ' Luke Melrose - https://twitter.com/#!/lukemelrose - It features a couple of alleged ex gay teenagers and a message from pastor Bobby Blakey = https://twitter.com/#!/bobbyblakey - who is "High School Pastor of Compass Bible Church".

The original video was removed at the Youtube user's request, and a blogger featuring it has been persuaded to take it down, but it keeps popping up on Youtube to show the zeal in Blakey's eyes.

The video seems scripted and acted rather than peopled by a couple of real kids who were 'once gay but have now found christ', and it almost looks like a spoof video made in a spirit of irony. But the web links say that it is made with sincerity. I hope the boys in it aren't really kids who believe they have been cured of homosexuality. If so I fear they have been damaged for life.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Self harming
Self harming  [message #66255] Thu, 20 October 2011 17:27

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Do any readers here have experience of helping teenagers who self harm? I need advice on what to do and not to do when offering advice. If you are unwilling to post, please email me. My address is published beside every post.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Editorial- This Is An Example Of Execrable Journalism
icon13.gif Editorial- This Is An Example Of Execrable Journalism  [message #66229] Fri, 14 October 2011 04:04
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON D. C. -- It is not often I find it necessary to publicly criticise another journalist, particularly since I too have my share of gaffes, but an article I read today regarding a recent interview by GQ Australia magazine with actor Taylor Lautner for the cover of the magazine's October/November issue really frosted me.

What is bothersome is that the interviewer, Mickey Rapkin, is also a senior editor at GQ. Asking the young actor the expected stock-in-trade questions about his career and its affects on him both positive along with the pitfalls of fame, Rapkin threw in what I see as an unnecessary and completely gratuitous question that was in my opinion only geared towards titillating the magazine's gay male readership.

During the course of the interview, Rapkin mentioned a recent dinner in Los Angeles where the actor had dinner with openly gay Academy Award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black and Oscar nominated director Gus Van Sant. Rapkin asked Lautner if the two men had a pass at him to which the actor responded;

"No, definitely not," Lautner replied. "I think they know I'm straight. But they're great guys. They're a lot of fun. It's not a coincidence that there was a writer, a director and an actor at dinner."

The Advocate magazine has also questioned, and rightly so, whether Rapkin who is openly gay himself, would have posed a similar question if Lautner had dined with two older straight women.

"Would GQ have asked Lautner the same question if he'd dined with two older straight women? Regardless, Lautner would probably have shrugged off the question. He informed the interviewer that he doesn't discuss his personal life."

And that is exactly the point that the young actor made when he told Rapkin that he doesn't discuss his personal life, something- had Rapkin bothered doing a through background research fact check prior to his interview- would have discovered.Young Lautner has repeatedly declined to discuss his private life. But, for Rapkin to try an connect the dots at a dinner with two older men, who happen to be openly gay, and read into it vis a vis his absurd question is just plain wrong and unprofessional.
 Topic: That Coming Out Day
That Coming Out Day  [message #66224] Wed, 12 October 2011 13:10

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It passed without a mention here. Maybe you were all musing about it. So was our own correspondent: http://tinyurl.com/6a4pxmk

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Finally, a compliment
Finally, a compliment  [message #66222] Tue, 11 October 2011 03:04
attatood.too is currently offline  attatood.too

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 Topic: 2011 Rafto Prize to Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)
icon14.gif 2011 Rafto Prize to Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG)  [message #66205] Thu, 29 September 2011 14:52
kupuna is currently offline  kupuna

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At last some encouraging news for our brothers and sisters in Uganda:

The 2011 Rafto Prize is awarded to Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG). Frank Mugisha (32), Executive Director of SMUG, will receive the award on behalf of the organisation. The Prize is awarded to SMUG for its work to make fundamental human rights apply to everyone, and to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.

The Rafto Foundation, based in Bergen, Norway, has since 1987 awarded, annually, the Rafto Prize for Human Rights to advocates of human rights and democracy. The prize commemorates Thorolf Rafto, professor of economic history at the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration in Bergen. Professor Rafto devoted his life to promoting democracy and respect for human rights, especially in Eastern Europe.


[Updated on: Thu, 29 September 2011 18:47]

 Topic: Long overdue justice...
icon14.gif Long overdue justice...  [message #66179] Sat, 17 September 2011 20:31
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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For some of you this may be closer to the heart than for others:


I cannot believe it has taken over half a century to come to the conclusion that gay men can serve their country without falling prey to the prejudice and injustice.

One of the stastics presented in the article is dumbfounding. Over 100,000 men were discharged for being gay from the time of WWII until the early 1990's. Perhaps that is the reason the American military has always been crippled with bad leadership, they kicked out the intelligent ones and kept the fools.

[Updated on: Sun, 18 September 2011 21:44]

Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: It Does Get Better-- The Effects Of 'It Gets Better' Videos
icon14.gif It Does Get Better-- The Effects Of 'It Gets Better' Videos  [message #66161] Sat, 10 September 2011 16:13
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON D.C. -- A year ago Billy (William) Lucas, a 15-year-old from Greensburg, Indiana, was found dead in a barn at his grandmother’s home — he had hanged himself - because his friends said, he was tormented for years because other kids thought he was gay.

Billy took his own life just hours after fellow students told him he didn’t deserve to live. Lucas was not an isolated victim in a spate of LGBTQ of adolescent and young adults in 2010 killing themselves. There were nearly fifteen plus highly publicised news accounts of young persons who committed suicide because they were Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgendered.

Lucas' death though seemed to strike a chord that raised a national sense of awareness in the media and public that a pandemic was killing at risk LGBTQ youth and young adults. The death toll seemed to mount weekly, prompting Seattle columnist Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller- alarmed and angered by these deaths- to create a YouTube video to send a message to young LGBTQ youth at risk that they needed to persevere, that there was hope, and that life does get better.

The "It Gets Better" video went viral and produced a reaction that ultimately led to literal thousands of "It Gets Better" videos from persons from every walk of life, queer and straight alike, all conveying the same message of hope. Noteworthy were contributions from political figures, professional athletes, entertainment celebrities, and even the CEO's of major corporations.

Critics charged that Savage's approach was little more than a feel good band-aid and questioned the value of Savage's efforts. There were negative aspects as the so-called christian family values organisations railed against the campaign, referring to the It gets Better videos as attempts by "homosexual activists" to indoctrinate America's youth. The president of the Washington D.C. based Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, went so far as to label the video contributions by President Barack Obama, the First Lady, Vice-President Joe Biden and senior administration officials hosted on the official White House website as "disgusting."

Despite the criticism, the video campaign morphed from Savage's initial YouTube campaign into a non-profit organisation dedicated to stemming the tide of suicide by LGBTQ youth, sponsoring a movement and a continuing effort to spread the messages in the videos.

Jim Burroway, editor of the Tucson, Arizona based LGBTQ blog, Box Turtle Bulletin, had published the question Friday, "Ever Wonder Whether Those “It Gets Better” Videos Have Ever Helped Anyone?"

According to Burroway one young gay teen had answered the question in a video response two weeks ago to an 'It Gets Better' video posted by a Northern California police officer and his husband. The young teen's video seems to illustrate by his example that the campaign's message of hope is indeed being received.

This is the video that the young teen is referring to:

YouTube user thatawkwardone01: "Thanks-It Does Get Better"
 Topic: Yes, there is something wrong with this...
icon5.gif Yes, there is something wrong with this...  [message #66143] Tue, 06 September 2011 15:58
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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I'm sure this Rabbi is a devout man and thinks he is doing the right thing, at least for himself:


But what I see is religious confusion based upon ancient scripture that had no idea something like this would come up. If anything the Jewish faith, at least on the strictly orothodox side of the street, is less flexible than the followup guys who formed Christianity.

Perhaps the Rabbi didn't read past the lines they claim defines marriage between a man and a woman. But marrying a gay man to a lesbian is little more than providing each of them with a roommate, and perhaps a tax break over there, I don't know the setup.

But please, don't think this will influence either partner to change sides, especially since in this case both would have to make some changes which I doubt.

Maybe the Rabbi thinks that by joining a gay/lesbian couple they will more acceptable to the neighbors, do any of us really believe that? I would advise the Rabbi to read his book again, after all his people are the ones who believe in a vengeful God. Does he really believe this will make the Big Guy happy? We'll have to wait and see where the lightning bolt strikes.


Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: U.K. advert standards are obviously different than in U.S.
icon6.gif U.K. advert standards are obviously different than in U.S.  [message #66137] Mon, 05 September 2011 15:41
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people here seem to have lost their sense of humor.

(\\__/) And if you don't believe The sun will rise
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 Topic: Conversion
Conversion  [message #66100] Sat, 20 August 2011 22:32

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 Topic: Adam Carolla tells LGBT people to "shut up,"...
Adam Carolla tells LGBT people to "shut up,"...  [message #66089] Mon, 15 August 2011 21:51

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Adam Carolla tells LGBT people to "shut up," says they are "ruining his life"

New York, NY, August 15, 2011 - The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), the nation's lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) media advocacy and anti-defamation organization, today spoke out against anti-LGBT remarks made by Adam Carolla, former host of 'The Man Show,' during his weekly podcast and urged his listeners to educate themselves about the hardships facing LGBT Americans today.

Audio of the segment and a summary of his history of offensive remarks about LGBT people as well as about Hawaiians and Filipinos are available here: http://www.glaad.org/adamcarolla.

Adam Carolla
at 107.7 The End's
Lonely Hearts Valentines
Party, 2008

Two years ago, on the syndicated radio program 'Loveline,' Carolla said that "all things being equal" - gay parents are "not as good as" straight parents.

Last Thursday, during 'The Adam Carolla Show,' the host spoke out against the LGBT community. In his rant, he also told LGBT people to "shut up" because they are "ruining his life" by speaking out about equality. He went on to say that members of the LGBT community should stop using the letters "LGBT" to describe themselves, and should instead use "YUCK." Regarding transgender people, Carolla at one point asked: "When did we start giving a sh-t about these people?"

GLAAD will be reaching out to its allies in the entertainment industry to let them know about Adam Carolla's history of racist and homophobic remarks.

"Given his history of anti-gay and racist comments, networks and advertisers should know what their money is supporting if they choose to hire Adam Carolla," said Herndon Graddick, Senior Director of Programs at GLAAD. "The gross intolerance that he tries to pass off as comedy should not have a place on our airwaves."

GLAAD asked listeners of the show to learn about the hardships that Carolla makes light of and directed them to a column in The Advocate written by Rea Carey, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, which reviewed the landmark study "Injustice at Every Turn" which was co-produced with the National Center for Transgender Equality.

  • Transgender people can be legally fired in 35 US states for being transgender. They are twice as likely to be unemployed.

  • Transgender individuals live in poverty at nearly four times the national rate.

  • Over 25% reported that they had lost a job due to their transgender identity.

  • They are twice as likely to be homeless.

  • 41% have attempted suicide, more than 26 times the rate (1.6%) of the general population.

Regarding his comments on the children of gay parents, GLAAD reminded listeners that virtually every credible authority on child health and social services including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Child Welfare League of America has determined that a parent's sexual orientation has nothing to do with the ability to be a good parent. Children of gay parents are just as healthy and well-adjusted as other children.

For more information please visit http://www.glaad.org/adamcarolla.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: "preferences"
"preferences"  [message #66077] Sat, 13 August 2011 13:46

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Our own correspondent has been at it again. http://tinyurl.com/3wsapjo

[Updated on: Sat, 13 August 2011 14:25]

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Patrick Schwarzenegger Billboard Above Sunset Boulevard
icon14.gif Patrick Schwarzenegger Billboard Above Sunset Boulevard  [message #66076] Sat, 13 August 2011 01:57
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA -- The Huffington Post reports that for 17 year-old Patrick Schwarzenegger, the eldest son of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver, has filled his summer break from high school with a summer internship with the management company that runs The Grove- one of LA's trendy malls- and young Patrick has also been visiting and preparing applications for several colleges after he graduates next spring.

(Its rumored that Stanford and USC are among his top choices, and dealing with some family drama along the way.)

But, squeezed in to his hectic schedule he found the time to pose for this rather blatantly erotic advert/photograph for Hudson Jeans that now graces a spot above busy Sunset Blvd.

The New York Post points out that the billboard location, on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, might leave Patrick's Dad "red-faced" -- it sits right above the Happy Endings bar and restaurant.

Patrick Schwarzenegger is signed with model agency L.A. Models and is working to "get comfortable in front of the camera," according to the LA Times.

Photos by Lucy Blodgett via The Huffington Post
 Topic: Smile
Smile  [message #66048] Mon, 01 August 2011 21:34
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Commas matter - 'Party on Dudes' is not the same as 'Party on, Dudes'
 Topic: Paranoia strikes deep...
icon13.gif Paranoia strikes deep...  [message #66040] Sat, 30 July 2011 14:19
chrisjames147 is currently offline  chrisjames147

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into your life it will creep, but here's a Christian antidote:


I wonder who is watching Sam Black and his Covenant Eyes organization? Is anyone not aware that kids will push the limits of their parent's knowledge? If you buy them the gadget then they will use it to their own ends. Duh, then who becomes responsible?

I do wonder what Mr. Black's company tracks and blocks with his software. You don't suppose he would object to kids reaching out to any websites with the word gay or homosexual involved. Would he? Is that the Christian thing to do?

The paranoia in society is already gone far enough. Kids don't play outside any more since every parent knows that perverts are lurking behind every bush. I am concerned that Mr. Black and his ilk are planting more bushes, does that make me paranoid?

Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
 Topic: Teenage survivor gives chilling account of Norway massacre
icon8.gif Teenage survivor gives chilling account of Norway massacre  [message #66038] Thu, 28 July 2011 14:20
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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'Poff! One of the other swimmers was shot, I saw the blood stream out'

A teenager survivor of the shooting massacre in Norway has written a chilling account of how she escaped gunman Anders Behring Breivik.

In her Norwegian blog, an excerpt from which was translated by The Guardian newspaper, Emma Martinovic, 18, described swimming in the water around Utoya island as bullets hit people around her and "the laughter of the bastard as he shot, and his shout to us: 'You won't get away!'"

Martinovic, who was wounded, said she found the body of a friend in the water and said she had helped another friend, who began to struggle to stay afloat, swim to safety.

Breivik, 32, killed eight people in a bomb attack in central Oslo last Friday and then shot 68 at the island summer camp for the ruling Labor Party's youth wing.

He told police he was waging a self-styled "crusade" against Islam and multiculturalism.
In her blog, Martinovic said that she and three others at first hid on a rocky slope until a text message came warning that Breivik was heading toward them.

They decided to move to the water's edge and that was when she found the body of her friend.

"I dragged the boy's body back to land and when I pulled back his jacket hood I saw it was a friend of mine, and I saw the wound to his head. There was no time to react. I kissed him on the cheek and returned to my rockface," she wrote on the blog.

'Starting to panic'

They decided to swim, taking off clothes and getting into the freezing water.

"It was cold, I felt the chill in my bones, but focused on keeping my head above water. Behind me some of the others were starting to panic, so I shouted to them: 'Keep your head above water, get away from land. Breathe!'" Martinovic said.

She then turned back and saw the gunman.

"It looked as if he was aiming at us. Poff! One of the other swimmers was shot, I saw the blood stream out, so I started to swim even faster. Then I turned on my back again and saw he was aiming at those who still hadn't started swimming from land yet," Martinovic wrote.

"I saw one of my friends about to leap into the water, but in a second he was shot. Even at a distance I could see and hear the two shots, straight to the head. I saw his head explode, I saw how he was split apart. Panic spread like wildfire among those on land. I wanted to be among them, urging them to get away, by land or water," she added.

She said she "felt the panic seize me" and began to struggle to swim.

"The panic spread to my breathing, I was gasping for air. Suddenly someone behind me shouts. 'Emma, I can't go on.' It was one of my girlfriends," she said.

Martinovic swam back and the girl climbed onto her shoulders, but carried on swimming with her legs.

"Suddenly she said: 'Emma, you're bleeding', and when I looked down at my left arm, there was blood pouring from it. I tried to shut it out, focus on swimming. ... Behind us we could still hear shooting, the screams, the laughter of the bastard as he shot, and his shout to us: "You won't get away!" she wrote.

'My daddy is dead'

Her friend was later able to swim unaided and a young boy swam up to them.
"I looked at him and said: 'For someone so young you're a strong swimmer.' He looked at me and replied: 'My daddy is dead.' I said to him: 'Don't look back, just keep swimming for your dad. You're doing really great.' To this he answered: 'I thought the police were supposed to be kind to us.'" Martinovic wrote.

They swam together, but when she turned back to see what was happening Martinovic said she discovered that "there were far fewer in our wake" and "the bastard was still shooting at us."

They saw a boat and she said she swam over alone, fearing "some sort of trick."

"We had lost faith in everyone. I looked up at the man who lifted me into his boat. 'You're safe now,' he said. He gave me a good hug and asked if there were others. We motored out to my friend and the boy and I said: 'Come on, it's safe,'" she added.

She said she would not give up politics because of the attack and even said she would like to meet Breivik.
"I have so many questions. ... Why? What was he thinking? All these questions which will never be answered," Martinovic wrote.

'Looked the killer straight in the eyes'

Another survivor, Andrine Johansen, 16, was quoted as saying she had "looked the killer straight in the eyes as he pointed his gun straight towards me and shot three times," according to a report in the Mirror newspaper.

Johansen, who spoke from her hospital bed, was hit in the chest; another bullet went through her hooded top and the third passed through her shoe without hitting her foot, the Mirror said. Like others, she survived by playing dead.

More details have begun to emerge about Brevik, 32.

Lina Engelsrud, 31, who knew him when they were children, told the The Times newspaper in Britain, which operates behind a paywall, that Breivik was "troublesome."

She said Breivik appeared to be cold and never had any girlfriends.

Engelsrud noted he had liked killing ants, had urinated in a neighbor's shed and used to spit in the basement, The Times reported.

Honouring the Vicitms of Utoya
 Topic: ‘Gay rights and religious liberties cannot coexist’
‘Gay rights and religious liberties cannot coexist’  [message #65996] Thu, 21 July 2011 12:54
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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From LGBTQNation:
Bryan Fischer of the notoriously anti-gay hate group, the American Family Association, on Wednesday declared that gay rights and religious liberties cannot coexist.

“We cannot have the homosexual agenda and liberty; those two things are incompatible with each other,” said Fisher, referencing the lesbian couple from New York who filed suit against a Vermont inn for it’s refusal to host their wedding becuase the owners have a “no gay receptions policy.”

Fischer also accused the women of committing a hate crime against the inn owners by suing them.

Courtesy Right Wing Watch:

Fisher himself also claims to be a hate crime victim because the LGBT media (including LGBTQ Nation) has called him a bigot.

And in cased you missed them, here are a few other Fischer-isms…

On June 9, Fischer told his radio listeners that the Nazi Party in Germany was formed in a Munich gay bar by “homosexual thugs.”

On May 20, Fischer reported that the “number one perpetrators of hate crimes in America: homosexual activists, gay activists, the homosexual lobby.”

A day earlier, Fischer said that “gays are Nazis.”

Last year, Fischer told his radio audience that Hitler surrounded himself with gay soldiers because “he could not get straight soldiers to be savage and brutal and vicious enough to carry out his orders.”
 Topic: The Best News Headline Ever!
The Best News Headline Ever!  [message #65990] Wed, 20 July 2011 19:07
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Commas matter - 'Party on Dudes' is not the same as 'Party on, Dudes'
 Topic: Gay Pride
Gay Pride  [message #65986] Tue, 19 July 2011 13:21

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Now tell us that Gay Pride marches are not important.


When you do, tell us why that is, with some precision.

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: Tea Party Founder Calls LGBTQ Advocates A "FREAK SHOW"
icon4.gif Tea Party Founder Calls LGBTQ Advocates A "FREAK SHOW"  [message #65985] Mon, 18 July 2011 17:08
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For those of you who follow the politics, the truth about the leanings of the far right and Tea Party is best expressed by one of their "leaders" in this news brief following his op-ed published this morning:

Monday, July 18, 2011
Brody's Notes... Tea Party Official Attacks LGBTQ Equality Rights Advocates- Calls Them A "Freak Show"

By Brody Levesque | WASHINGTON D. C. -- In a sharply worded essay posted this morning on the website for one of the largest Tea Party organisations, Tea Party Nation, its founder Judson Phillips a former Memphis, Tennessee prosecutor and current criminal defence attorney wrote: "The liberal freak show is coming after Michele Bachmann." Phillips accuses progressives & LGBTQ Equality Rights advocates of being intolerant writing, "They do not want a debate. They do not want the other side to even be able to debate. They want to silence all debate and simply impose their will."

The principal aim of Phillips' column was to defend republican GOP presidential challenger Michelle Bachmann, who, along with her husband Marcus, have come under intense scrutiny by the media and LGBTQ critics for their family-owned Christian counseling business against allegations that it performs controversial gay-to-straight “ reparative” therapy. Phillips accuses progressives of resorting to fear, intimidation, violence and mob rule.

In a recent interview with Minneapolis daily newspaper, The Star Tribune, Marcus Bachmann, who runs Bachmann & Associates Inc. out of clinics in Lake Elmo and Burnsville, Minnesota, said his counseling treatment business is not focused on converting gays to heterosexuality.

Mainstream and LGBTQ media sources found evidence to the contrary, in part based on two recent investigations by ABCNews investigative reporter Brian Ross and an undercover activist from “Truth Wins Out” — a non-profit organization that fights anti-LGBT religious extremism — both investigations suggesting that the Bachmann’s clinic regularly practices the discredited clinical method designed to “cure” gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.

Phillips deemed the media and other's scrutiny of the Bachmanns' as primarily "liberal mob psychology."

Text of Judson Phillips' Tea Party Nation column:

The liberal freak show is coming after Michele Bachmann. That is not much of a surprise. Bachmann is running a very disciplined campaign, encouraging conservatives and running with a conservative agenda.
But now the left is coming after her.

The left wants to use the gay rights issue against her. Bachmann’s husband, Marcus is a therapist and according to the left, he has committed a horrible crime. He used therapy to help gays who did not want to be gay any more change.

According to a statement released by the campaign, that was not an area of specialization of his counseling practice but would do it if asked.
Marcus and Michele Bachmann, according to Politico, have a history of battling gay rights groups in Minnesota. That is enough for the gay rights groups to go after her.

Gay rights groups going after Bachmann say that she is not “a reasonable mainstream candidate.”

There is more going on here than just a disagreement about gay rights. The gay rights groups are typical of all liberal groups. They do not want a debate. They do not want the other side to even be able to debate. They want to silence all debate and simply impose their will.

Most Americans do not believe gay marriage is a good thing. Most Americans do not believe homosexuality (which is only 1-3% of the population) is a good thing, though most Americans are tolerant of most things.
The left is not tolerant. The left never allows dissent. To the horror of Americans, Marcus Bachmann once referred to gays as “barbarians.”


If you are a conservative you have been called much worse and usually in much more obscene terms, for being a conservative.

Gay groups have disrupted church services and other events of those who dare to disagree with them. Just a few days ago, a Federal Court issued a permanent restraining order against the radical gay group “Bash back” for disrupting the services of a church that dared to say homosexuality is wrong. This one church in Michigan is not the only event gay activists have disrupted. They have disrupted Mass in Catholic Churches, disrupted pro-traditional marriage rallies and other events held by those who disagree with them.

Gay rights activists are willing to harass not only those who participate in events they disagree with, but even go as far as to harass children. At a 2010 event, gay rights activists walked up to a seven-year-old child who was at the event with the child’s family and sneered at the child, “Is mommy raising you to be a good little bigot?”

In California, in 2008, voters passed Proposition 8, which declared marriage to be between a man and a woman. After the voting, gay rights activists persecuted people who supported Prop 8. In 2010, gay activists sought to kick a 96-year-old man off of a Theater Board in Oakland. He had served on it for it for twenty years but because he contributed to the supporters of Prop 8, they wanted him off the board.

Those who supported Prop 8 were physically assaulted, hounded, and threatened. When the manager of one Mexican Restaurant in Los Angeles gave $100 to the Prop 8 campaign, gay rights protestors surrounded the restaurant, pelting employees and patrons with vulgarities. Anyone want to bet nothing as tame as “barbarians” was used?

Going after Bachmann is simply another example of the liberal mob psychology. Whether Bachmann is our choice for the GOP nomination or not, we conservatives need to stand up for her. Whether you agree with her and her husband on this issue or not, we need to stand up for her. This is not about Michele Bachmann or her husband. This issue is really not even about gay rights. The issue here is the freedom to speak, the freedom to think and the freedom to disagree with the liberal orthodoxy.

Liberalism cannot stand a real debate. Liberals always lose those debates. That is why they always resort to fear, intimidation, violence and mob rule to achieve their goals. We cannot let mob rule win.

For this, we must stand with the Bachmanns.

[Updated on: Mon, 18 July 2011 20:46]

 Topic: Routine Infant Circumcision
Routine Infant Circumcision  [message #65983] Mon, 18 July 2011 09:39

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A quiet discussion by a qualified surgeon

Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
 Topic: To Our Kids- We Love You The Way You Are
icon4.gif To Our Kids- We Love You The Way You Are  [message #65973] Sat, 16 July 2011 00:27
Brody Levesque is currently offline  Brody Levesque

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By Brody Levesque | SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA -- In the tragic aftermath of the widely publicised multiple suicide deaths by LGBTQ young persons in late 2010, many of those deaths the result of anti-gay bullying, Seattle based columnist and queer activist Dan Savage along with his husband founded the "It Gets Better Project." The principle thrust & focus was producing videos for a special YouTube channel that sent messages of hope and reassurance to struggling LGBTQ youth that life does indeed get better and most of all, was worth living.

Celebrities, politicians, including the President of the United States Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron, added their voices to the legions of everyday people who made It Gets Better videos, turning Savage's simple heartfelt idea into a global campaign to spread that message of hope.

While the ocean of the thousands of videos expressed the promise of better times and circumstances, as Savage himself pointed out during an interview with MSNBC, one of the largest issues that needed addressing was the lack of acceptance and even violence that queer youth and young adults faced in their own families. Many times being left homeless after parents threw them out because of their being queer.

Not every scenario and circumstance however Savage acknowledged had a set or a single parent that was not accepting of their children. The larger question of what about those parents has now been answered as a San Diego couple gives those parents that are accepting a voice in the national conversation about LGBTQ persons.

This past May, San Diego based Public Relations and Communications executive Patrick Wallace, with partner, University of California San Diego Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Michael Volpat, launched the website, A Note to My Kid, as a place for parents to proudly share memories, thoughts, worries, and — ultimately — love for their LGBT children.

“The love and support of our parents has been a treasured blessing in our lives,” says Wallace. “But many people we’ve been fortunate enough to meet throughout our lives have not been so lucky. We’ve heard stories firsthand of LGBT youth being ridiculed, disowned. and physically beaten for being gay.”

Wallace wants A Note to My Kid to help parents learn “how to express his or her love.”

As word spreads- the letters fly in and many of them are poignant, funny, and most of all filled with that special and unconditional love for one's child which is the true backbone of humanity.
Read more on the 'A Note to My Kid' website; [Link] http://www.anotetomykid.com/a-note-to-my-kid/
 Topic: I don't care for him, however? Watch for yourselves & decide
icon4.gif I don't care for him, however? Watch for yourselves & decide  [message #65972] Fri, 15 July 2011 15:43
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I need to say though that he raises some good points that I agree with 100%:

[Updated on: Fri, 15 July 2011 15:44]

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