Needs to get a life! |
Registered: March 2003
Messages: 4729
I should have known better than to try to bring up an abstract concept.
In the future I shall keep my mouth shut and just read all the fluff.
Adn Saben, you get an A for attentiveness.
Life is great for me... Most of the time... But then I meet people online... Very few are real friends... Many say they are but know nothing of what it means... Some say they are, but are so shallow...
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
Right and wrong are not absolute terms. To describe actions as right or wrong is to put your own moral code on display. To describe someone else's motivations as right or wrong (in the absence of real communication with that person) is to put your prejudices on display.
PS - Hi all
Needs to get a life! |
Registered: March 2003
Messages: 4729
Don't get to obtuse around this place, you'll confuse the hell out of them.
Life is great for me... Most of the time... But then I meet people online... Very few are real friends... Many say they are but know nothing of what it means... Some say they are, but are so shallow...
I don't think the problem is the introduction of an abstract concept at all.
Please don't take this the wrong way.
I think it is a matter of style.
Marc, you have a tendency to reduce your reply to someones comments to be, to the point, and with few words to describe your feelings or thoughts. This by itself is neither good or abd, It's just you.
But when you ask a question with more complication in its implication (I never intended a ryme really ... I'm just typing much slower thatn I think it) I think others need a more detailed explanation of what is in your mind as you ask the question.
none of us are trying to slight your opinion or make light of your question. I'm just not sure we really know what you want to ask. You referred to a question about Andys play, but when pressed on the meaning you said that the play had nothing to do with your question. You said something about a magazine article from 2-3 years ago.
I would try to answer your question to the best of my abilities if you asked in a way that let us know all of the nuances of your question.
And please Marc, that post "Nice and Slow" is quite condescending and so is the inference that none of us could understand the obtuse.
I am not trying to fight here ... please get that clear.
I am saying be clear about what you want to ask, the short statement isn't always the best. Let us know what you think.
Please, lets have dialog, not argument. Lets be kind while we make or ask a point.
Hugs to you,
"Be excellent to each other, and, party on dudes"!
Marc... Please do not condescend me...
I am not stupid, I am not an idiot.
We all have different ways of looking at things,
and forming opinions of things. Please do not think that just because people think differently than you, that they're wrong.
You said when you'd die that you'd walk with me every day
And I'd start to cry and say please don't talk that way
With the blink of an eye the Lord came and asked you to meet
You went to a better place but He stole you away from me
Needs to get a life! |
Registered: March 2003
Messages: 4729
The point has been made. I'll go back to reading now.
Life is great for me... Most of the time... But then I meet people online... Very few are real friends... Many say they are but know nothing of what it means... Some say they are, but are so shallow...
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
If I had meant to use the words stupid or idiot, I would have.
I chose the word "confuse".
I for one can see the difference in meanings here.
When one says: "Don't get to obtuse around this place, you'll confuse the hell out of them." One implies that the other people are not as intelligant.
There, I've said it. I do not want to go any further on this.
You said when you'd die that you'd walk with me every day
And I'd start to cry and say please don't talk that way
With the blink of an eye the Lord came and asked you to meet
You went to a better place but He stole you away from me
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
True enough. Some people do indeed ride a bit deeper in the pond than others.
There I've said it.
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
marc,why waste time with these people,the stories are so much better.
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
Either identify yourself of refrain from comment!