
Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
I met online for totally different reasons and in my real name, someone from my son's old school, who has found this site useful both now and while at school.
He'd surfed on in, I suppose, and found something to stay for. Never posted, but lurked on the board, and found the site resources of some use in his teenage quest to find out who he is.
His name is confidential between him and me. That's as it should be. It's his confidence to break, not mine. It just feels really good to know that I have helped, we have helped, "a stranger" and to be told so.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Ha! Well, that's practically an invitation to post, so I'll introduce myself and try not to sound too embarrassed. 
I'm 20 years old and from the UK. I don't know Tim in real life, but I have probably passed within metres of him several times without knowing that he and this site's webmaster are one and the same. I've lurked here for ages and ages, ever since I found the site when I was still at school.
I'll just add that it's not *quite* my first ever post here. I did post a "hello" a very long time ago, and I talked to some people from round here so it's possible that a couple of you might remember me.
*waves* welcome david
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
Yes, that would be me. I don't think I'd ever posted on a web forum before, so wasn't quite sure how much committment it might take. I'd know about the site before then, but only discovered that it had an attached discussion board on that day.
I'll do my best to stay - it all suddenly seems much less alien now that I know who is running the board. The anonymity of the internet means that one feels much less obliged to join in, as one doesn't mean anything to anyone. I feel I have more obligation now, and that's a good thing.
I can think of at least four major issues concerning me, so it sounds like I am at the right place. Maybe I'll elaborate on some of them when I know everyone round here better.
I feel so guilty that I don't remember talking to you, Timmy. I hope I didn't leave an adverse impression - I've never been terribly good at talking to other people. Hopefully I can remedy that.
P.S. Out of interest, without being too specific, at what point did you realise you knew who I was?

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
I saw your name in your non anonymous email address. I guessed at once because it is not a hugely usual name. Well except in your family I think There are about 48 of you with the same fore and surnames I remember!
"Alphonse Prendergast XVII" stand out in any crowd you know
At length I checked out the website behind the domain. That made it kind of easy. The full realisation was today when I did that.
And why would you remember me? Your circle of friends is far more important than some random father delivering som erandom son (Well actually a totally hot slim blond son, truth to tell and no I don't mind if you lusted after him or not - quite a few peole have, of both genders)! And the impression was simple. "Nice chap, interesting opinions" Though I'm damned if I can remember what about.
I remember hearing you had bouts of depression and stuff. I remember thinking then "I wish I could help him, there is something astray in his life" and having no idea how to. It turns out I was all the time, in a way. Or WE were.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Welcome from a fellow Brit.
Nice to have you with us!
Welcome David, from a middle aged guy (yes, gay and with kids) in the U.S. !!!!!
Like you I stumbled on this website, and it has been so much help and at times so much fun... the stories... the gab... the links and background...
I hope you find this a true "Place of Safety" and can feel free to share your life with us if you need.
Again, welcome !!!!!
Celebrate your life... embrace your love... Become intimate with your place in forever !!!
Ah. That makes sense.
I'm most impressed that you took enough interest in your son's school life to know so much about me - not only my name and who I am, but right down to the sort of things I'm interested in and the lineage behind my name. I never realised I was famous! 
It's good that you have decided to stay. A very warm welcome from an aging Brit ex-pat. Let me assure you that Timmy is one of the most charming and caring people I have ever had the privilege to meet. It is with a great deal of pride that I consider him one of my true friends. So, David, stay with us: benefit from our postings when appropriate and contribute when you can.
(BTW - that's some school you went to!)
PS I wish you all the luck in the world.
The paradox has often been noted that the United States, founded in secularism, is now the most religiose country in Christendom, while England, with an established church headed by its constitutional monarch, is among the least. (Richard Dawkins, 2006)

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
At the time I thought it nomrla to be interested in stuff like that. It's only now that I discover I was unusual. But I never had much truck with the other parents. So many of them seemed pointless and too wrapped up in their own lives even to see that their sons had lives and challenges.
There were quite a few boys in a mess there. Not unlike any school, of course. But unlike many schools the parents seemed to ignore it all.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
On fire! |
Registered: January 1970
Messages: 1095
Very nice to make your acquaintance I live across the ocean in the land of hide & go seek. I'm glad you decided to stay awhile.
Getting started |
Location: uk
Registered: September 2004
Messages: 24
hi david glad you decided to post here
its a great place with great people
stick around you'll like it. dickle
Hey Davey, I'll send you some taco flavoured kisses from the U.S. on behalf of all of us here at timmy's site. :-*:-* :-* :-*
Time is lifes currency, spend it well.