How many lurkers are there out there who read this board on a weekly or daily basis and yet never post?
I was one for a while... until I met Timmy. Then when I realised that he was unlikely to bite my head off, and was not even necessarily looking for witty or intelligent posts, but just for people to be themselves, I posted. And now I know a good number of the people round here, and they are without exception nice people.
How about, if you lurk here, you post a "hello!" post in reply to this one, and then disappear again if you feel like it. As I am intrigued.
Is that a really silly idea?
hello ;-D
"I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality."

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
The board has a huge population of people who read but never post. They often never will post, and quite possibly have nothing they feel is worth saying. That is a sort of shyness.
But shyness and not posting genuinely do not matter. You see the board is for them, almost more than for those who post. There is a huge sense of community about feelng a part of something, even as a spectator. Look at those who support sports teams worldwide.
What everyone who comes here sees is a huge mix of everything that makes human beings human. And they see that gay people are normal human beings.
When a new member posts I love it. When they leave I am sad. And that is the way of life everywhere.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Timmy, Well said !! Very often, life and work have had me travelling to and fro across the U.S., and until recently, I was only home periodically. I would read and post while travelling once in a while, but not frequently. Now, I work so much in a different line of work that I leave early in the morning, and get home late at night.
Nonetheless, I have always felt welcomed here. I am not a teenager, but a middle aged man who was married, has kids, and came out about 4 years ago. I have met a few friends here, and have enjoyed reading what all say.. whether I agree or not.
A great place this is (as Yoda would say)... and comforting to the heart as well!!!
P.S. Hey Deeej!!!!! We have never met, but I am still glad to meet you !!!!
Celebrate your life... embrace your love... Become intimate with your place in forever !!!
Hi BamBam! Glad to hear that you're here too.
Hello Deeej, I have never really lurked, but a internet friend told me about this board, so I thought I'd give it a look. I liked your hello which seemed nice and friendly and inviting. I'm quite an old gentleman as you can almost tell by that tiny little picture. well at least my grey hair shows up. I grew up in the central plains of a very conservative part of the United States. I knew I liked boys from the time I got to be around them in kindergarten. Do you have that in the U.K.? Anyway I was about 5. It was a struggle for me, not knowing what I was suppose to do with these feelings and not being able to share them. Stupid me, always managed to fall in love with straight guys and had to tone my feelings down to the best friend level. Thank goodness the old wives tales were not true or I would have long braids of hair hanging from my right hand.;-D Well it's been nice typing at you Deeej, I just might try lurking at some of the other boards now. Jim Pettit
Hi James,
I'll post a fuller reply later as I must dash -- but it's really nice to make your aquaintance!
Hi Jim,
As promised - here is my fuller reply. Unfortunately it can't be a very long one as I have just had the most horrificly frustrating day. Anyone considering a career in location management: don't. Become an actor instead. Actors do nothing but sit around all day, and occasionally get pampered by a make-up person and/or an unlucky PA. And every so often they get an opportunity to show off in front of a camera. (Not that I have anything against actors... I do hope that comment doesn't come back to haunt me!)
Er... anyway. In response to your questions... well, I was educated in the private system so I don't really know much about British primary schools. I went to a pre-prep and then a prep school (junior private schools) from the ages 4-8 and 8-13, and afterwards a public school from the ages 13-18. I don't have any recollection of having any sort of sexuality until I was about 11 or 12, when I discovered that girls weren't nearly as interesting or as pretty as boys. And I can sympathise with falling in love with straight boys -- in fact, I don't think I have ever fallen in love with a gay one. (Not for want of trying... I just don't seem to be able to detect who is gay and who is not. Of course, statistics are not on my side.)
Anyway... I must rest. Work starts tomorrow at 8 (so I must leave home at 7) and ends at midnight (so I get home at 1) - an 18-hour working day. If it continues like this before long I will be a babbling idiot (and I am not joking).
Anyway... best wishes, Jim, and to everyone else.
Actually, I remember when I was 13 that I was so anxious to cover up the fact that I really fancied boys that I rather unsubtly let it be known that I fancied a girl in our year... How idiotic. Every now and then it comes up to haunt me.
Actually, she was a tomboy, so I can honestly say that she was the sort of girl I actually find attractive.
I never made a slip like that Deej, and never was lucky enough to meet a girl that was a tomboy...I just hated to share my straght guys with them.
I went to your web page last night to see who I was talking to and enjoyed your photos. I was an artist/designer/teacher all my working years and am now retired and Painting still, but now as a hobby. I live in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles and have friends who are or were in some way involved in the film industry. I have wached them shoot in my neighborhood and they do seem to take forever to get a few minutes of film. I hope your shoot went well today and that you were able to get some rest last night.
Considering all the time movie actors sit around on the set, you would think they would have their 3/4's page or so of script down pat. I know some are very professional, but I've heard some unbelievable stories about others in Hollywood who weren't.
Are you involved in findings locations too, or just the logistics of the filming itself? I imagine it can get pretty hectic at times. Lots of dollars/pounds per minute, with the film rolling or not.
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