Gosh! Fantastic! Jolly good! Marvellous! Spiffing! w00t!
Happy birthday!
I hope college goes really well -- speak to you soon...
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The paradox has often been noted that the United States, founded in secularism, is now the most religiose country in Christendom, while England, with an established church headed by its constitutional monarch, is among the least. (Richard Dawkins, 2006)
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
Hey Ya~
Good Luck at school, I'm very proud of you and wish you all the best on this special day Andy. Be Well Kiddo
Hope you're having a great day.
Toe is in the water |
Registered: January 1970
Messages: 57
Happy 18th, Fox! Biggestest hugsest!