I just finished reading "Beyond the Rain" and breathed a huge sigh of relief. I had put off reading the story because I didn't want to face another death or love lost, not right now. I know, my heart should be happy and singing because Billy and Aaron survived, found each other, and lived happily ever after. But all I feel is relief that someone (even though fictional) found happiness and satisfaction.
Now I have to find the courage and hope somewhere that maybe, just maybe, someone real can do the same. And hope and pray that it might touch me.
Hugs, Charlie
On fire! |
Registered: March 2012
Messages: 2344
You'll find the courage. The hope is already there...in your heart. We always find the courage to take another step, do another day. Letting go of our dreams is the only way to fail. You keep that happy singing heart.....and yep, someone real can find their way.....I believe it. You can....please have faith.
I do know how you feel Charlie.. I was so messed up earlier in my life, and Thank God I found this site, because I met a lot of people who have become friends here, and they also helped me stay positive.
To the present... I spent the last weekend at Michael's aunt and uncle's home in Southern Wisconsin. Michael is now my partner, and we very much love each other. We had both given up hope that there was someone like us out there, and shortly after we threw the towel in, we met at the Y working out and the rest is history.
Please keep the faith, keep your head held high, and your heart in check... and that person will show up for you.
I'll hope for you, think of you and pray for you to find 'that right one'!!!
Email me if you would like to talk.
Celebrate your life... embrace your love... Become intimate with your place in forever !!!
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