...but he is entitled to that opinion just like other students are entitled to their views that homosexuals might be okay.
I guess the problem is that school is hardly the place to make comments like this today. Bullying, suicides, political correctness...sure, he is wrong, but from his Christian perspective he is right and we should only feel sorry for his ignorance. It must run in his family.
There needs to be a more open dialogue about LBGT kids. It's okay to disagree. but the gay kids need to be respected for how they feel. By saying "I'm a Christian" this kid labeled himself. He didn't say he hated gay kids, he didn't bully a gay kid, he just expressed a thought.
We should call these "teachable moments" because there might be others in the classroom who are bullys and they could learn from this personal expression. You can't please everyone, we don't even want to try. But LBGT kids just need the same level of free speech.
Let's save the suspensions for the bullies, although I think they deserve far worse. Open that dialogue and tell this boy that it's okay to express his feelings because they come from a lack of understanding. What would we do to a LBGT kid who said "I think Christianity is wrong," would we punish him/her? :-/
Age appears to be best in four things; old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. (Sir Francis Bacon 1561-1626)
How to raise a hateful child.
1) Send them to bible camp
2) Make them a Christian zealot
3) Teach them that only they are right and all others are wrong
It works again and again.
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Location: USA
Registered: April 2009
Messages: 430
I have to agree with smoker on this one. The christian community has become a mob. There is no reason, rational thinking or sympathy within this group. The mob is reminescent of the many Nazi rallies. They will glom on this and make it a cause to rally against, as usual, homosexuality.
"Gay Teacher Cleared of Allegations of Unfairly Punishing Anti-Gay Student
....Ary said in media interviews that he made the comment quietly to a classmate sitting next to him in response to a discussion going on in the class at the time.
But Franks told friends shortly after the incident that there was no discussion involving homosexuality at the time, and that Ary made the comment loudly while looking directly at Franks.
Franks also told friends that the comment was only the latest in an ongoing series of incidents in which Ary and a group of three of his friends have made anti-gay comments to and about him.
Franks told friends that the harassment by Ary and his friends began several weeks ago after Franks, who also teaches sociology, posted on the “World Wall” in his classroom a photo, taken from the German news magazine Stern, of two men kissing. The photo was ripped off the wall and torn in two at some point during Ary’s class, and Franks told friends he believes that Ary or one of his friends tore up the photo.
During a later sociology class students upset that the photo had been torn up replaced it with a hand-drawn picture, and another student then covered that picture with a page bearing a hand-written biblical scripture from Leviticus calling sex between two men an abomination.
Franks told friends that since that incident, Ary and his friends had continued to make derogatory and harassing comments....."
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(\\__/) And if you don't believe The sun will rise
(='.'=) Stand alone and greet The coming night
(")_(") In the last remaining light. (C. Cornell)
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Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Registered: September 2010
Messages: 127
I question the validity of entitlement to opinion, where that opinion is about denying another human being's innate sexuality, race, colour or gender.
Religious laws that attempt to curb any of the above traits are out of line with acknowledging and accepting human birthrights. I don't claim these birthrights as my opinion, but as inalienable rights; self evident truth, and observable facts of reality.
Dakota is reported as saying, " I think being a homosexual is wrong."
You may dislike or distrust another person's sexuality, or someone of a different race, colour or gender, but you cannot logically say they are 'wrong', deny their existence, or withhold their equality rights...unless of course, you adhere to some kind of irrational belief system that reality can be usurped solely by an opinion.
Granting the right to belief without factual support, is a significant problem for unfettered free speech.
The freedom to think what you like is fine, free speech needs to be undertaken with respect to that which can be demonstrated as truth in the physical world of our existence.
Call me naive if you want, but life without trust in the goodness of others would be intolerable.
Religious indoctrination: It gets better, without it.
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Location: USA
Registered: August 2007
Messages: 297
So it appears that the kid is a liar as well as a bigot.
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