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Registered: February 2003
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Who says that Gay Teenage Fiction is unidirectional?
Probably no-one, but the only recent departure on, say, Nifty, from boy meets boy seems to have been werewolves and vampires, and that seems mostly to be biting necks and stuff.
We have a few other unusual tales here, though. London Lampy, Paul Schroder, Failte200 and others have created some interesting critters; others have created bewildering worlds. You need to look out for these.
Starting on Monday, though after I get back from work because I start work at crack of sparrow's fart tomorrow, is Z is for Zombie. No point in clicking the link until it hits the site, though.
[Updated on: Tue, 14 August 2018 21:45]
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
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Location: USA Midwest
Registered: September 2015
Messages: 156
Admission time here. I rarely like stories which have zombies in them.
Admission time II. I really like how this story is starting out.
Geron, you have made an interesting start. I am actually eager to read another chapter, and another chapter, and another chapter-- You get the idea. Well done, to get ME to want to read more of such a story.
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Tue, 14 August 2018 00:27"Admission time here. I rarely like stories which have zombies in them.
Admission time II. I really like how this story is starting out.
Geron, you have made an interesting start. I am actually eager to read another chapter, and another chapter, and another chapter-- You get the idea. Well done, to get ME to want to read more of such a story.
-- Hi again!
Yes, this is a zombie story...sort of. My take on that idea, anyway. If you liked the first chapter, you'll probably get along with the rest of it, too. At least, I can hope!
Feel free, at the end, to let me know if it agreed with you! 
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Location: USA Midwest
Registered: September 2015
Messages: 156
Well, three chapters in and the story keeps getting better. At this point I certainly like your take on Zombies, Geron. I do hope you do not connect this with any of your other storys any time soon. I would hate to think of the zombie virus (or whatever non-specified cause you have in mind for causing the zombies) might have infected the Charm series or the Door series or the Second Hand Nation series or the Charile Boone series. (Hint, hint! Please consider adding another story to each of those great story frameworks, or any of your other stories.)
In chapter 3 of "Z is for Zombie" you drop interesting hints of what might be coming down the road. I am looking forward to the sequel series to "Z" already (after these 16 chapters finish posting), and this is coming coming from the guy who normally dislikes zombies of any type! Well done again, Geron.
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Sun, 19 August 2018 14:49"Well, three chapters in and the story keeps getting better. At this point I certainly like your take on Zombies, Geron. I do hope you do not connect this with any of your other storys any time soon. I would hate to think of the zombie virus (or whatever non-specified cause you have in mind for causing the zombies) might have infected the Charm series or the Door series or the Second Hand Nation series or the Charile Boone series. (Hint, hint! Please consider adding another story to each of those great story frameworks, or any of your other stories.)
In chapter 3 of "Z is for Zombie" you drop interesting hints of what might be coming down the road. I am looking forward to the sequel series to "Z" already (after these 16 chapters finish posting), and this is coming coming from the guy who normally dislikes zombies of any type! Well done again, Geron.
-- I'm glad you are enjoying the story. 
I don't really plan to connect any of my previous story arcs together, although I certainly won't rule anything out. I should say now that Z is For Zombie was originally written as another single story. When it finished at 73,000 words, it was the longest single story I had written yet. I decided it was just too long to go in one sitting, so I broke it up into chapters. But it had to be separated at logical breaks, and that left the chapters of unequal length. So some are longer than others. Sorry!
As for adding more to some of the other story lines, I plan to do that. The Charlie Boone series is an ongoing holiday thing for me, and of course we have another Halloween coming up, another Christmas...you know. Thrift Shop Nation requires at least one more story to wrap up the hints I left at the end of the second tale, and the Door series already has a third entry partly written, which I want to complete as soon as time permits. And Jesse and Marty always return, as you already know. 
I also promised another Road story, and I have a fourth Mooi story in mind, and...you get it. I am not done, not by a long way.
And, I always enjoy the challenges. I am hustling even now to finish the story for the Empty Shoes challenge.
Thank you for your continued interest. I have had a hell of a lot of fun writing these stories for the past two and a half years. It's really been nice to have some good company along for the trip.
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Location: USA Midwest
Registered: September 2015
Messages: 156
Well, eleven chapters in. I like the way that, in a serious situation, Geron has managed to sneak in some subtle and some less subtle humor briefly. He MUST have a good sense of humor as well as good story-telling ability.
I still have a feeling that another surprise or three will be happening. I look forward to finding out what they are.
Also, thank you, Geron, for mentioning in the story at least twice the importance of having reading material.
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Fri, 07 September 2018 14:27"Well, eleven chapters in. I like the way that, in a serious situation, Geron has managed to sneak in some subtle and some less subtle humor briefly. He MUST have a good sense of humor as well as good story-telling ability.
I still have a feeling that another surprise or three will be happening. I look forward to finding out what they are.
Also, thank you, Geron, for mentioning in the story at least twice the importance of having reading material.
--Humor? Me?
Well, I am not sure what you mean, exactly, but I am willing to go along with it. 
One of the things I had fun with in this tale was trying to imagine a post-apoc world from the viewpoint of teenagers. It's going to be just slightly different than the way adults might approach it, no doubt about it. I won't say I got it right, but I did allow for the fact that my character's solutions might be different - and less serious - than what I might have come up with myself in the same situation. But that does not mean they will not work.
Oh, I cannot imagine being at the end of the world without some good reading material. The crash of civilization is probably kind of scary and boring, and you need some good stuff to occupy your mind. I've seen some of those old movies where people wait out nuclear attacks in these little bunkers stuffed with canned food and water and that sort of stuff, but not one book or magazine in sight. What are they going to do, sit around in a closet-sized space and talk to each other, 24/7? That would last a week, tops, before they all hated each other. Humans need a little private time with their thoughts, and reading is some damn good self-therapy for what ails you. Our house is full of books. I would not have it any other way.
Thanks for your interest!
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Location: USA Midwest
Registered: September 2015
Messages: 156
"Geron Kees wrote on Sat, 08 September 2018 16:46"
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Fri, 07 September 2018 14:27"Well, eleven chapters in. I like the way that, in a serious situation, Geron has managed to sneak in some subtle and some less subtle humor briefly. He MUST have a good sense of humor as well as good story-telling ability.
I still have a feeling that another surprise or three will be happening. I look forward to finding out what they are.
Also, thank you, Geron, for mentioning in the story at least twice the importance of having reading material.
--Humor? Me?
Well, I am not sure what you mean, exactly, but I am willing to go along with it. 
One of the things I had fun with in this tale was trying to imagine a post-apoc world from the viewpoint of teenagers. It's going to be just slightly different than the way adults might approach it, no doubt about it. I won't say I got it right, but I did allow for the fact that my character's solutions might be different - and less serious - than what I might have come up with myself in the same situation. But that does not mean they will not work.
Oh, I cannot imagine being at the end of the world without some good reading material. The crash of civilization is probably kind of scary and boring, and you need some good stuff to occupy your mind. I've seen some of those old movies where people wait out nuclear attacks in these little bunkers stuffed with canned food and water and that sort of stuff, but not one book or magazine in sight. What are they going to do, sit around in a closet-sized space and talk to each other, 24/7? That would last a week, tops, before they all hated each other. Humans need a little private time with their thoughts, and reading is some damn good self-therapy for what ails you. Our house is full of books. I would not have it any other way.
Thanks for your interest!
Geron, it's just getting better and better. And I do like the humor. "Blue balls." A Zombie book by "Jerry Keys???"
I did look up "Jerry Keys" on Amazon. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Also no book of that title, though one a bit similar. I did laugh at the title "Zombie Mermaids from the Deep" by an author that sounds nothing like you.
So let me guess-- The Zombie sequel won't start until at least two weeks after this one ends? AND after the next Door story appears?
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Fri, 14 September 2018 22:56"
"Geron Kees wrote on Sat, 08 September 2018 16:46"
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Fri, 07 September 2018 14:27"Well, eleven chapters in. I like the way that, in a serious situation, Geron has managed to sneak in some subtle and some less subtle humor briefly. He MUST have a good sense of humor as well as good story-telling ability.
I still have a feeling that another surprise or three will be happening. I look forward to finding out what they are.
Also, thank you, Geron, for mentioning in the story at least twice the importance of having reading material.
--Humor? Me?
Well, I am not sure what you mean, exactly, but I am willing to go along with it. 
One of the things I had fun with in this tale was trying to imagine a post-apoc world from the viewpoint of teenagers. It's going to be just slightly different than the way adults might approach it, no doubt about it. I won't say I got it right, but I did allow for the fact that my character's solutions might be different - and less serious - than what I might have come up with myself in the same situation. But that does not mean they will not work.
Oh, I cannot imagine being at the end of the world without some good reading material. The crash of civilization is probably kind of scary and boring, and you need some good stuff to occupy your mind. I've seen some of those old movies where people wait out nuclear attacks in these little bunkers stuffed with canned food and water and that sort of stuff, but not one book or magazine in sight. What are they going to do, sit around in a closet-sized space and talk to each other, 24/7? That would last a week, tops, before they all hated each other. Humans need a little private time with their thoughts, and reading is some damn good self-therapy for what ails you. Our house is full of books. I would not have it any other way.
Thanks for your interest!
Geron, it's just getting better and better. And I do like the humor. "Blue balls." A Zombie book by "Jerry Keys???"
I did look up "Jerry Keys" on Amazon. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Also no book of that title, though one a bit similar. I did laugh at the title "Zombie Mermaids from the Deep" by an author that sounds nothing like you.
So let me guess-- The Zombie sequel won't start until at least two weeks after this one ends? AND after the next Door story appears?
--Haha. No, there is no Jerry Keys that I know of. I was making a little joke about myself, is all.
I did not write Zombie Mermaids From the Deep. Far as I know, I have nothing on Amazon, and probably never will. I kind of write because it's fun for me, not to make money. I already have a profession I make money with - why spoil my fun by bringing business into pleasure?
I have been rereading this story myself, and I hate to say I see things I could have done better. I may actually sit down and revise this one. If so, I will eventually ask Tim to exchange the old copy for the new one. And then duck, and possibly run, when he comes after me! 
I'm hoping to have a new Charlie Boone story for Halloween. Those guys love Hallwoeen, and so do I. I'm also writing another story in chapters, a slight horror story with a SF bent. We'll see what happens!
Thanks, as always, for taking the time to comment.
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Location: USA Midwest
Registered: September 2015
Messages: 156
Well, good ending and epilogue, Geron. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the majority of Chapter 16. BUT, I will say that you left a large "hook" for a sequel to eventually be written. If there is no sequel, fine. If there IS a sequel, great. I am happy with the story either way.
Maybe the sequel could introduce Jerry Keys "in person." :d
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Registered: August 2018
Messages: 178
I just finished this tale. Well Done!
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Wed, 19 September 2018 08:27"Well, good ending and epilogue, Geron. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the majority of Chapter 16. BUT, I will say that you left a large "hook" for a sequel to eventually be written. If there is no sequel, fine. If there IS a sequel, great. I am happy with the story either way.
Maybe the sequel could introduce Jerry Keys "in person." :d
--Thank you. I didn't want the ending to just be, "And then the last zombie was killed, and everyone got drunk and lived happily ever after."
It actually wasn't a zombie tale at all. But...shh! Don't tell anyone! 
Jerry Keys is probably a guy that drinks bourbon and smokes cigars as he writes, and still uses an old Remington typewriter to pound out his stories. Maybe he is best left to obscurity?
Always happy to hear from you!
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"luvtwinks wrote on Thu, 20 September 2018 21:56"I just finished this tale. Well Done!
--Thanks! Nice to know that at least two people finished it!
ivor slipper
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Registered: September 2013
Messages: 128
"Geron Kees wrote on Fri, 21 September 2018 02:27"
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Wed, 19 September 2018 08:27"Well, good ending and epilogue, Geron. I have to admit, I wasn't expecting the majority of Chapter 16. BUT, I will say that you left a large "hook" for a sequel to eventually be written. If there is no sequel, fine. If there IS a sequel, great. I am happy with the story either way.
Maybe the sequel could introduce Jerry Keys "in person." :d
Jerry Keys is probably a guy that drinks bourbon and smokes cigars as he writes, and still uses an old Remington typewriter to pound out his stories. Maybe he is best left to obscurity?
Always happy to hear from you!
-- And there was I thinking Jerry was a kitten!
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Location: USA Midwest
Registered: September 2015
Messages: 156
I must admit, Geron, the changes you made from Version 1 of the story to Version 1.16 are excellent.
If any have not read Geron's revisised version, of "Z is for Zombie," it is well worth the time. Some items are explained more clearly than in the original version. Lines have been added (and once in a while deleted) which help the flow of the narrative and make things clearer overall.
Geron, have you considered a longer range sequel, starting 5 to 10 years after this one? I'd like to see what's happened after all the world's "sleepers" have awoken. But if there is no sequel, that fine also. No sequel should begin for "Z" until after the next 4 Charlie Boone tales (Halloween, U.S. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day) and the next two or ten Door tales, and the next one or two "Charmed" tales, and the next three or four of Timmy's writing challenges.
Geron Kees
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Location: USA
Registered: February 2016
Messages: 152
"Bisexual_Guy wrote on Sat, 20 October 2018 00:22"I must admit, Geron, the changes you made from Version 1 of the story to Version 1.16 are excellent.
If any have not read Geron's revisised version, of "Z is for Zombie," it is well worth the time. Some items are explained more clearly than in the original version. Lines have been added (and once in a while deleted) which help the flow of the narrative and make things clearer overall.
Geron, have you considered a longer range sequel, starting 5 to 10 years after this one? I'd like to see what's happened after all the world's "sleepers" have awoken. But if there is no sequel, that fine also. No sequel should begin for "Z" until after the next 4 Charlie Boone tales (Halloween, U.S. Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Valentine's Day) and the next two or ten Door tales, and the next one or two "Charmed" tales, and the next three or four of Timmy's writing challenges.
--The changes were, I felt, necessary to address some issues with the story. I don't usually revise my stuff, but did feel this one was posted before it was quite ready. I have seen things in other of my stories that make me wince; but if I went back and revised everything I have written previously, I'd never get anything new finished.
I am working on the Halloween story now. It may preclude me from completing a story for this challenge. There may just not be enough time for both.
I have never done a Thanksgiving tale for Charlie and Kip. I would have to see if I can get it in there and still have time for the Christmas tale. I usually go home to Amsterdam for St. Nicholas day at the start of December, and so cannot get any writing done during that period.
I have started a third Door tale, but keep getting pulled away from it for other stuff. I enjoy the challenges, but their strict deadlines require a certain window to write in order to make them, and they often pull me away from other things. I have a long fantasy I have been working on for a long time now, unfinished exactly for this reason. At some point I am going to need to stop starting new projects and finish a few older ones that deserve to be completed.
I always appreicate hearing your thoughts on what I post here. Thanks for taking the time to do that!
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