Sometime ago after writing my first short book I looked around for a site that might host the ebook, but failed to find anywhere other than big commercial sites where you can sell your book.
As a result, I created my own site https://the-gay-fiction-library.site123.me It's one of those free DIY sites for illiterate programmers. It has its limitations, but does provide a place where readers who like ebooks can download free copies. Being a magnanimous guy, and only having one book to my name, I called it a library because there are now a few authors and their books. It's a library from which you may borrow the books forever, you don't have to take them back! Dont need to register or give email addresses and no info is collected about anyone.
Currently, hosting my own book, a couple of books by Rigby Taylor, Arapiles short story, and a book by Nigel Gordon. I hope I'm not running foul of regulations by plugging the site. I promise it is entirely altruistic.