I expect simple behaviours here. Friendship, and love. Any advice should be from the perspective of the person asking, not the person giving! We have had to make new membership moderated to combat the huge number of spammers who register
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
We were given four hours notice of a mandatory data centre move on Christmas Eve. We objected. The host offered to delay the move unti 0600 UTC on 27th. We had to accept. We have a feeling their service was cancelled by that data centre. No point in huge speculation, though.
It all went tits up after the move, and they found it hard to listen to the problem, which was theirs.
We gained useful access finally on 30 December at around 1030 UTC after they had moved us again.
DNS is still synchronising around the world, But we are back.
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
"timmy wrote on Sat, 30 December 2023 23:33"
We were given four hours notice of a mandatory data centre move on Christmas Eve. We objected. The host offered to delay the move unti 0600 UTC on 27th. We had to accept. We have a feeling their service was cancelled by that data centre. No point in huge speculation, though.
It all went tits up after the move, and they found it hard to listen to the problem, which was theirs.
We gained useful access finally on 30 December at around 1030 UTC after they had moved us again.
DNS is still synchronising around the world, But we are back.
A normal server migration requires somewhat laborious but straightforward re-mapping the nameservers, email, etc to point to the new IP address. Then up to 48 hours elapses before the global internet can see the site. it happens at different times in different parts of the world.
When all settles down we then ask our host to create rDNS entries so that things work "better". I'm sure we could have done that earlier, but we work on the comcept of 'one thing at a time', lest we confuse the host.
This time they had "An IP address conflict" (data centre error) which prevented our doig anything at all until yesterdau. rDNS will happen later today, we hope.
Location: USA
Registered: October 2006
Messages: 484
I was becoming concerned. Glad all is well. Keep up the great job.
“There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That's what sin is.” - Terry Pratchett
Location: USA
Registered: October 2006
Messages: 484
I notice Awesomedude is down the last few days. Hope it's not because Mike passed and no one has paid the bills...
Nevermind. Just saw the other post...
[Updated on: Sat, 06 January 2024 06:39]
“There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That's what sin is.” - Terry Pratchett