
Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
I received this letter from Grasshopper last night, on the 12th May [edited by me coz I put in 12 April] 2005. I was too surprised, then, to do what he asked and post it yesterday, so here it is now. It is sad but happy to say that Grasshopper is leaving us. I have been honoured and thrilled to have been a confidant, adviser, and friend. He has decided to leave us his stories and I invite you to join with me in wishing him well and a happy journey. Regrettably there will be no e-mail or other way to contact him, but I'd think he will enjoy seeing nice remarks on the message board from time to time. I'm going to miss him a lot.
He says (and it was addressed to me, but I have changed it to be to you all):
Dear Friends,
I have the BIGGEST news !! I am really excited right now. You know how everybody always kids me about being a real cowboy? Well, I think I'm gonna be one now 
My uncle has asked my daddy to come help him run the ranch out west. I've been there and it's wonderful, but I never dreamed I'd get to live there Daddy said that he has asked him before, but until the storms last year, we were doing okay. Now, it seems like the perfect plan. Mama and Daddy were worried that I'd be upset, but I really am excited. We have been talking about this for months and after Daddy's illness we decided to go and so now we are. This is the last time I'll see you here for a long while cause we leave next week. Our farm finally sold.
I'm feeling all kinds of ways; happy, excited, and a little sad. My uncle needs my daddy's help and Daddy says he needs mine We have so much to do when we get out there. The house we will have is kinda old, but Mama says it will be cool. I get the attic Grandmom will get to be with her other grandkids too.
I'll be sorry that I have to leave here, but I must help my family, and it will be such a great adventure; new animals, new country, lots of things to do and see. We sure don't want to wait to see what the hurricanes do this summer, right?
I want to thank all of my friends and people who have loved my stories and for all their kind words. It has meant a lot to me. I know there's been some yuck too and with everything going on with me I need to go badly okay? Even though I won't be here anymore my stories will and that makes me smile.
Super {{hugs}}
[Updated on: Fri, 13 May 2005 10:30]
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
I know I seem calm and collected and everything. I've done the bussiness-like thing, just as he asked. I've kept the stories up, just like he asked. And I've been smiling, just as he asked me in a more private email. But dammit.
I can't begrudge him a great new life, so it's selfish. But right now I have the right to feel selfish. And I am being slefish.
I know I never ask anyone to come back, so I'm not going to. But dammit......................
Good luck, jamie. Be a great cowboy.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I proofread that so carefully. And I missed the biggest error I could have. My typing was always bad but this time my brain failed
[Updated on: Fri, 13 May 2005 10:26]
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
I don't know if Grasshopper will see this message, but I want him to know that I wish him and his family every success in their new home. His stories are among the very best on this site and I'm very sad that there won't be any more. Florida's loss is the gain of the Wild West. God bless you, little Grasshopper.
The paradox has often been noted that the United States, founded in secularism, is now the most religiose country in Christendom, while England, with an established church headed by its constitutional monarch, is among the least. (Richard Dawkins, 2006)
I don't know grasshopper, but I have much enjoyed reading his stories. So, as a representative of the silent majority who read but don't post --
Best of luck! And many thanks!
Getting started |
Registered: May 2005
Messages: 1
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck.
Selfishly, I wish you would continue to write. Just Hit Send is one of my all time favorite stories, and you are one of the great writers. I read a lot, and your talet for expressing emotion and feelings in your stories is beyond compare. While I will sorely miss the stories you write, I wish you a happy and successful adventure with being a cowboy.;-D
I hope you continue to write in your life, sharing your wonderful talent with the world.
Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
Getting started |
Registered: May 2005
Messages: 1
Wow! How exciting for Grasshopper! I grew up in southern Colorado just east of the mountains (I'm looking out my west window at them right now). I've lived all over the United States except the DEEP south, but when the time was right I moved back to Colorado - to the house where I was raised, in fact. I'm retired now and glad to be in the high desert again. I don't know where Grasshopper is going, but if it's in the west AND on a ranch, then it HAS to be good. I've enjoyed everyplace I've lived, but the high desert is special.
So here's an invitation for Grasshopper and his family: If you're ever in my neck of the woods, let me know and I'll take you to a good restaurant for a fine meal. (Us Westerners gotta stick together, you know!)
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Location: Indonesia
Registered: April 2005
Messages: 4
I don't know if Jamie will ever see this. If he does [if you do] know that I pray for you and your family. It was an honor to know you personally [well, e-mail, but you get what I mean]I treasure our correspondence and if you ever want to resume feel free to contact me[please use the @gmail.com address, hotmail is having problems with me though I'm still using it]
Right now I think of you as the cowboy you are, riding free. I'm happy that your dad is [I hope] fine and that you are too. Just Hit Send, Summerfire and Dreamchasers are some of the best story I ever read. Gosh, I feel like I'm writing a eulogy here. Oh well....
I hope you fine, safe and happy wherever you are.
From your friend
You're not the only one feeling sad about this, and yes in a selfish moment, I too would beg him not to go. He was/is my favourite author perhaps along with Charlie (author of Kenny), so yes I'm going to miss his inspiration a whole lot.
But like you Timmy, I wish him all the luck in the world and hope life turns out good for him.
I just hope he caught my last email before he moved.
Very best wishes for your new life. I will be thinking about you and wishing you well.
Your stories will always be an inspiration to me and I will come back and read them many times.
Thanks for being a very special friend.
Getting started |
Location: US of A
Registered: October 2004
Messages: 8
First of all, I needed time alone to digest the news. :'-( But I guess I'd be too selfish to just think of my own feelings here. Grasshopper, if anyone deserved something nice, then I believe it should be you. I was raised in the West and hope it is kind to you because it can be a pretty demanding place. Just keep your head up, look life in the eye and live your life with no regrets or apologies. I love your works and selfishly wish they could grow and comfort others like I've been comforted by them. Best wishes, hugs and such, it's been a wonderful trip.
I'll miss you and your stories, Jamie. Best of luck and you deserve the best.
I love you and I'll never forget your work.
Blake's my boy.
Getting started |
Location: uk
Registered: September 2004
Messages: 24
good luck grasshopper your writing is second to none
and your stories literaly changed my life for that i
thank you and will miss you.hope life goes great for you
enjoy!!!! dickle
Hey Jamie Grasshopper!
I was sad to read that you are leaving Iomfats, but I respect your decision. I have followed the difficulties you and your family have had over the last year or so. I'd like to wish you all the best of everything in your new life and I hope it works out for you all, particularly with your father's health.
As I have said before, I admire you as a writer, and being typically reticent English I don't find it easy to make comments like that. I don't know whether you plan to abandon writing. I hope not and when you do write, let us on Iomfats know. Notice I say 'when' you do. For the talented artist inside you may let you rest for a time while you sort out your new life, but it will not let you rest for ever. It will make its demands known to you and you will not be able to resist. Your talent is a gift from Heaven and for that reason, if no other, it is there to be shared with other people.
Your personal circumstances are none of my business, but having said that, I wish that you will find the love of your life (if you haven't already) and be able to lead out that life fulfilled and happy.
With a big hug, love and perhaps a tear
aka N Fourbois
I dream of boys with big bulges in their trousers,
Never of girls with big bulges in their blouses.
…and look forward to meeting you in Cóito.
Getting started |
Location: Toronto, Canada
Registered: October 2004
Messages: 5
This is so unexpected... I was so sure he'll keep on writing.
:'-( :'-( :'-( :'-(
I'm gonna miss him awfully. But I wish all the best and I hope he enjoyes his new life there.
You always know where to find me Jamie. And you always have friends everywhere. I'm going to miss you terribly, Be safe dude. Watch out for all those critters, they wiggle and squirm and are terrebly warm feeling... Just watch yourself ok, I don't want to hear about you being stomped on by a (insert big critter name here) cuz we all know that would be uck. My best wishes to your family. Goodluck being a cowboy! (insert silly smile imagining you in a cow boy hat:) )
Love always
Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?
jamie, i will miss you.
my void does not want.
-- 2.13.61.
Getting started |
Location: United State
Registered: December 2004
Messages: 1
I remember about a year ago you left, i posted at all the forum to try to get you back here, and i think it work ;-D
i'm not gonna try that this time lol
but i'am gonna say, you are one of the most talented author on the net, and for a young man such as you, you and your story is one of the most beloved i read. i seen many forum such as Crvboy, Dewey, gayauthors.and others where many have left the links, and even talk about how well you write
you have a talent that is so loved, and i hope that you might see the love if you come by the forum. cowboy life is demanding i know. and you will have less time to write. but if you have time, let everyone know how you are
if you do have a little time, it don't hurt to write a little, for i know that the fans and friends you have will wait no matter how long it take to read something. because you are a special talent Jamie
take care, i wish you all the happiness in the world, and be careful too
Getting started |
Registered: May 2005
Messages: 9
Grasshopper, young friend--
Mark Twain writes of a young girl who was moving from Kentucky to Missouri.
Twain writes:
She said: "Goodbye trees, I'm going to Missouri. Goodbye, green grass, I'm going to Missouri. Goodbye God, I'm going to Missouri!" No, she didn't say that. She said: "Goodbye. God, I'm going to Missouri!"
Just because you are moving out West doesn't mean you are moving to a place where internet connections are impossible. Take your time, move easily, settle in, get used to your new routines. And even though you can;t imagine it this far in advance, you will get through the move and arrive at the time when you can get back on-line. When that happens, however long it takes, (and it WILL happen), don;t be a stranger--check back in. We'll all be here for you.
Best wishes to all your family, and for your Dad's improving health.
Toe is in the water |
Registered: July 2004
Messages: 69
Jamie, if ever anyone deserved to be happy, it is you. I hope that being a "real cowboy" is all that you thought it would be. I pray that your Father's health continues to improve. Be happy, Jamie. I will miss you.
Change isn't always good, but it is how we learn. I am strong in my belief that you will be stronger and wiser with this change. Please accept my gratitude for what you have shared with us. All my wishes for your success and happiness.
Hugs, Charlie
Dear Grasshopper,
It has taken me so long to write this because, well, frankly, I wish it didn't need to be written.
One of my particular favorite pieces of music is an overture John Williams composed for the Boston Pops Orchestra based on music he had written for the John Wayne film, "The Cowboys". Now, every time I hear that piece, my mind will conjure up this image of Grasshopper in his 10-gallon hat, shirt, vest, jeans, chaps, boots and spurs, riding his horse, twirling his lasso, and making all them "li'l dogies git along"! As much as that image (and that music) will always put a big smile on my face, it will also bring a big tear to my eye, as it will also serve as a reminder of how sorely missed you'll be.
Thank goodness your stories will remain, as they will continue to be an endless source of entertainment, enrichment and hope to all those who read (and re-read!) them.
It seems you are being confronted by life's priorities (which for all of us so often conflict with any plans we may have made for ourselves), and are meeting them head-on. It is so reassuring to know that you are looking forward to this new chapter in your life with so much anticipation and hope for the future. Your happiness is, after all, the primary priority.
Happy trails, partner, until we meet again.
{{{SUPER BIG HUGS!!!!!!}}}
P.S.: I never knew Grasshoppers lived in attics...
We do not remember days...we remember moments.
Cesare Pavese
Very sad news... i always loved your stories. You were the person that guided me to this messageboard and i'm grateful you did.
You will be missed... good luck with whatever you will be doing.
You don't love someone because they are beautiful, they are beautiful because you love them.
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Registered: May 2005
Messages: 1
I also have registered in order to give my little tribute to "Grasshopper". You have many more friends than you know Jamie. People, like me, whose names you won't recognize but who have enjoyed your fiction and your posts over the years. I just want to say that I'm very happy for you, because you seem to be so excited and glad that you will be moving out west. I'm sure that with your optimism, sense of humor and intelligence things will work out great for you.
All my best man, you are one of the masters.
Your work sets the bar high for the rest of us.
May your future bring you as much hope and happiness as you have brought to others.
-James Savik
On fire! |
Registered: May 2003
Messages: 1537
Just a short comment from me. I never knew you very well at all, Grasshopper and I think maybe you didn't think very highly of me. Whether that is true or not, though, I'd like to let you know that I hope you can really get what you need out of this change in your life. I bet it is scary, exciting and a whole bunch of other things but I know it'll be really good for you. Good luck, though and know that whenever, if ever, you come back you will be most welcome.
Look at this tree. I cannot make it blossom when it suits me nor make it bear fruit before its time [...] No matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.
Master Oogway
This is a sad day for us... But I wish you a good life and I hope to run into you sometime in my life. I believe that you are a good person. Chao
Time is lifes currency, spend it well.
I read the "letter" you sent to IOMFATS and which he shared with all of us. I have lots of emotion, but I am so happy for you to be able to go somewhere on the next leg of your odyssey for which you have a clear affinity and, I sense, a real connection to our Earth mother. Of course, there is always some sadness in leaving what you are most familiar with and sure not everything will be roses, but I am very excited for you.
I will miss the chance to read your new stories as well as your emails. I wish you and your family better times, clearer visions and an opportunity to grow in a new way.
The absolute best for all of you and hugs beyond measure. In the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery's Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince), "Il faut chercher avec le coeur parce que les yeux sont aveugle" or "Seek with one's heart for the eyes are blind".
Al - Rubilacxe

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
I know, one day, he will see this. I'm going to keep it near the top of the board every so often in case anyone else wants to find it and add to it.
I know he has not net access where he has moved to. They may, in time, I imagine, but right now I also know that every penny is aimed at the ranch, not at ISPs.
It's been just over a week. I don't miss him any less. But missing him is selfish. I know I wish him well. It just seems like, well I don't really know what it seems like.
I'm glad he asked me to leave his stories present.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
a few people have said "Where is this thread?" So I am popping it briefly back to the top of the page
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Woops blew that first posting.
Sonny and I were so sorry to here you won't be with us anymore it has taken us a few day to become accustomed to it. As you no we love your stories and now we have another reason to feel closer to you. We had no idea you lived on a farm here in Florida, but we should have guessed from what you wrote. I never mentioned it, but we also grew up on farms in eastern Colorado, stayed their until our college days. Just wanted you to know one more time that your stories have helped us to relive so many of the most beautiful times of our many years together.
We love you and will miss you greatly.
Lots of Hugs, Wayne and Sonny :'-(
P.S. If you ever need to know how to keep a leg on each side and your mind in the middle just give us a shout. RIDING a horse that is )
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Location: USA
Registered: March 2004
Messages: 23
In the past, I wrote directly to Grasshopper, using the address in his stories. No matter how I felt (good or bad) -- and no matter how happy or depressing the plot might be in the current chapter of one of his stories -- I always felt better after reading another chapter.
Some time ago, Grasshopper yanked all his work from the Internet. I don't know if it was the result of anger, harassment, frustration, or what. Many pleaded for him to return. I do know how happy I was when he obliged us and did indeed return.
This time, however, he has left for a good reason -- for a positive change in his life. This time, pleading would be wrong. For no pay whatsoever, Grasshopper gave us so much. Now we should pay him back by letting him leave peacefully.

Has no life at all |
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
Before he left and in a message to me that was more private, well totally private, alongside the one he left that he hoped I would publish (well, asked me to publish), he told me that he would, if he managed to grab the time to write, send me by post any new stories.
I know he wants to finish Just Hit Send, and I know we were discussing two other tales. What I had no clue of, and probably neither did he, was the fact that finances meant the farm was truly being sold, and that he was to become, as he puts it, "A real cowboy". It sounds a mixture of great fun and great hardship. I just hope the ranch is profitable. Even so I see him working all hours.
I know it's silly, but I keep looking out for the mailman. And since he has really only just moved home, lock, stock and barrel, and since the mail takes ages to arrive, and since he is busy as heck, or I am sure he must be, then I am just a foolish person for looking!
What I never realised is just how well known his stories are on this rather small corner of the internet. I think he touched every heart who read them.
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
... will be missed; and yes, he is especially well known in this small corner of the Internet ... and to a lesser degree, but no less significant, the World at large.
*Jamie® and his writings, through his shy, oftentimes almost whimsical naïveté, reveals many inescapable truths about all of us; absolutes many might not want to confront; certainties that many need to accept, but sadly have had neither the courage, nor the resolve to ultimately triumph over.
It is my fervent prayer that *Jamie® continue his writing; that he ultimately embrace his new environment with verve and much gusto, and as I know he is capable of doing, with his own inimitable élan. As he matures, I fully expect that he will employ the broader canvas of his new found World, applying his skill as an author of considerable repute to foster a renewed understanding of the foibles in us all to the greater betterment of mankind.
Warren C. E. Austin
Toronto, Canada
"... comme recherché qu'un délice callipygian"
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Registered: June 2005
Messages: 1
I suppose I just wanted to write a brief note. Like many of you, I don't think heartbroken is an improper response to Jamie's leaving this site. Even though he was young, he understood something that even a college student, like myself, could not comprehend. Two years ago, I found this site and his stories. I was going through a profoundly troubling period of my life. Once I began reading Jamie's stories, I found myself unable to stop reading them. I would read them and cry for hours. It was the stories that Jamie wrote that kept me from making a truely profound mistake. When I finally spoke to him, I realized what a genuine and loving person he is. At any rate, I suppose I just wanted to say goodbye to a great friend and a wonderful human being.
May God be with you in your new life my friend.
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