I expect simple behaviours here. Friendship, and love. Any advice should be from the perspective of the person asking, not the person giving! We have had to make new membership moderated to combat the huge number of spammers who register
That poor little kid! Maybe he's been rescued and is 'in care', but nothing is ever going to give him his innocence back and he'll be scarred for life. I know six year old boys and they're just babies and so they should be. I hope these bastards rot in hell - but they probably won't.
It is far from the worst thing about it, but everytime something like this happens the know-it-alls equate every gay with pedophiles. Like no "straight" person was ever a monster like these two. And their 'customers'.
Rot in Hell, Bastards!
(sorry if you don't like the language, but i'm not happy!)
Location: the burning former USofA
Registered: July 2010
Messages: 399
I was thinking yesterday that the board was kind of quiet, so I hoped there was something new today, but this isn't what I was hoping for. Now I wish it were still quiet, in that this had never happened and could therefore never be reported on.
How does someone justify something like this? Can they really think they didn't ****up that boy's mind and life? And how can they get any kind of gratification from it?
I mean, scat isn't sexy to me at all, but at least it isn't a kid.
40 years is not long enough. They should just give them 30 days, and announce their crimes to the inmates as they are dragged to their cells. Hell, why even give them cells? Just announce their crimes over the loudspeaker, then shove them through the door to the general population. Followed by a large plastic box and lid, and a mop and bucket.
Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
One has to hope for the best. With luck the lad will get over it, but he will need love and safe cuddles to teach him that touch by an adult can be loving. But care schemes are not always adept at organising this.
I can tell you from personal experience that these types of abuses are far too common and the children suffer for their entire lives. The feeling of being damaged goods only good for one thing never fully leaves them. It's heart wrenching.
The somewhat good news is that even men in prison look down on child molesters. The perpetrators will probably have a rough time of it in prison. My guess is that they might not survive their sentences.