Ian Fatima
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Registered: June 2017
Messages: 18
I noticed that Timmy's Tumblr blog was nuked for a second time. First it was "happybarbariandinosaur.tumblr.com," then "nerdyhottubexpert.tumblr.com," and now it has just reemerged as "nerdy hottubexpert2.tumblr.com."
I have a 45,000 picture collection. Some of them are the same photos everybody has, but at least 8000 of them are rare and unique photos, having been collected by another person before Tumblr even existed. Tumblr debuted in 2007, and the archive I have was assembled from the internet between the late 1990's and 2010, from websites such as Webshots, Flickr, Geocities, Tripod, and Angelfire. Many of the photos have dates on them such as 1997, 2004, or 2008. I was given access to the archive and picked out about 8000 photos from the 25,000 total, to enlarge my already giant collection of photos.
I was thinking of uploading some of my 45,000 picture collection to Tumblr, but I've got a couple of questions:
1.) Is the nuking due to blatantly sexual content, or due to the young age of many of the subjects in the photos?
2.) Also, is the pages feature (Previous Page/Next Page) a regular Tumblr feature, or due to your own complex custom html? I can't find a tab for pages on the Tumblr dashboard. Your pages feature works better than waiting for photos to load on one endless page, as in the case of the one long page on "jakeisthedreamer.tumblr.com."

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Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
There was no sexual content of any description on my nuked blogs. The nuking happens for me at over 1500 posts and over 1500 followers. The probability is that there are Tumblr admins who dislike the ephemeral youthful beauty of males. I have no experinece of females.
There is no html coding to be performed
[Updated on: Tue, 15 January 2019 21:20]
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
ivor slipper
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When you refer to 'one long page on jakeisthedreamer.tumblr.com' , if you then click on the buttom marked 'Archive' you will get the all pictures displayed but in smaller form. Each one can then be individualy enlarged by clicking on it.
[Updated on: Wed, 16 January 2019 12:17]

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Location: UK, in Devon
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Messages: 13780
With Tumblr you lose control immediately of everything you post, as well as having no idea when the TumblrCops will decide to nuke you. I'm an old hand at being nuked there.
THere are many themes available, at zero cost, so you can make your Tumblr look however you like, within reason. Some themes show the Archive, others do not
[Updated on: Wed, 16 January 2019 17:16]
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School

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Nuked again. I shall give up for a few months. It was amusing until being nuked after only 400 pots
[Updated on: Thu, 17 January 2019 18:52]
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Ian Fatima
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Registered: June 2017
Messages: 18
As of late January, the entire lot of interrelated Tumblr blogs seems to have been deleted at once - "nerdyhottubexpert2," "jakeisthedreamer," "jedimasterfox," "lovestospooge," et cetera. Those are just a few of the Tumblers I could remember the names of. They were all linked, following each other. I wish I had written down a list of them so I could check if the other related Tumblrs were deleted as well. I suspect they all were.
I was viewing some photos uploaded by a teenaged girl on her Tumblr, and some of them were the same photos. So, the EXACT SAME PHOTOS can be posted on another blog by a teenaged girl and they get a pass from Tumblr!
This arbitrary deletion of pictures when posted by males is discriminatory and grounds for a lawsuit against Tumblr. They don't approve of males being attracted to other males, so they are denying service, and deleting pictures that are not offensive or illegal in any way. Tumblr should be forced to explain in court why one person is allowed to post a given photo, while another person is banned from posting the very same photo. There should be a class-action lawsuit against Tumblr.

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Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
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While I do not disagree with you, finding folk willing to enter into a class action against Tumblr will be hard, principally because the pictuyres are of teenage boys, however well clothed and innocent. Penis owners are only allowed to admire girls, and those over 16!
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School

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Location: UK, in Devon
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The Tumblr issue is very simple. The moral police, by which I include police forces, have decreed that innocent pictures trigger paedophilic acts. We can ignore whether thsi is true or not. An imperfect algorithm flags posts. A few is ok. They might be family snaps, after all.
Once a picture is flagged and appealed it gets examined. It seems likely that the first examination is not by a person because many get released for display as soon as they are appealed, but those which go to a person go to people whose view of what is decent is, say, the Philippines view. The inspection is outsourced to cheap labour. As a generalisation, cheap labour lives in religiously intolerant societies
Sufficient failures, or sufficient closely posted flagged pictures, terminate a blog.
It is likely that this applies to male and female pictures alike.
It is not worth bothering with Tumblr
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Ian Fatima
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Registered: June 2017
Messages: 18
This is an experiment. I don't know how long it will last. It's just "Grey Speedo Boy":
This link might not work (it didn't when I tried it in the message preview), but if it doesn't you can also search for "Grey Speedo Boy" or "ianfatima."
[Updated on: Tue, 05 February 2019 03:13]
That's got to be the most extensive collection of Grey Speedo Boy in existence! lol
No reason that should be taken down. Probably won't be unless you get several thousand more posts up and a whole bunch of followers, but I've not been on tumblr since I got locked out of my account several months ago and have been too lazy to try to get back in, mainly because they've gotten so puritanical on pic posting. Like Facebook, they've got puritanical sensors that call things nudity that aren't nudity at all, not even close. While I never had my account suspended I've had pics taken down that were just rediculiously judged.
“There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That's what sin is.” - Terry Pratchett

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Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
"Ian Fatima wrote on Tue, 05 February 2019 02:59"This is an experiment. I don't know how long it will last. It's just "Grey Speedo Boy":
This link might not work (it didn't when I tried it in the message preview), but if it doesn't you can also search for "Grey Speedo Boy" or "ianfatima."
Because it's probably complete I suspect it will not fall foul of TumblrCops. IMN order to come to their notice at all you need to post in volume (I think posting volume is a red flag) and also have at least one post flagged as adult material
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Ian Fatima
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Registered: June 2017
Messages: 18
I loaded all the Grey Speedo Boy pictures at the same time, and about five of them failed to load, because they were flagged as "adult content." I didn't realize this was happening. I thought they just weren't uploading, so I immediately re-uploaded the pictures that failed to load the first time. Usually the picture uploaded successfully on the second attempt, but in one case it took three tries. The "Now and Then" picture on the last page had to be uploaded three times before it loaded successfully, and then I also ended up with two additional versions of that same picture flagged as "adult content."
I appealed all but one of the flags and they were instantly restored to the Tumblr page, but this meant I now had two versions of a some of the pictures on the Tumblr page. I had to delete several duplicates.
I believe the Tumblr robot picture scanner considers any picture where the subject's hand is near his genital or rearend region to be "adult content." All of the flagged pictures had this characteristic.
The one picture I failed to appeal had Grey Speedo Boy pulling on the front bulgy area of his speedo with his fingers; apparently it had become clingy. I guess that picture was a little questionable, but certainly not "adult content." Maybe I'll try adding that picture later. It's the last Grey Speedo Boy picture I have that is not in the collection.

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Location: UK, in Devon
Registered: February 2003
Messages: 13780
You stand a chance of being nuked, then. The nuking email is quite scary. It sounds as though they are sending the cavalry to a 4am raid on your home. Try to ignore that
Author of Queer Me! Halfway Between Flying and Crying - the true story of life for a gay boy in the Swinging Sixties in a British all male Public School
Well, there is a grey and a red pic of the lad pulling at the crotch of his speedo on the site...
And speaking of censoring pics, I've experienced instances on both FB and Tumblr of censorship of pics of fully clothed individuals, no bulges and no hands anywhere near privates. I assume that it's either the censor robots or perhaps puritanical idiots deliberately flagging photographs. I no longer use either of those social media accounts. Too much authoritarian drama! lol
[Updated on: Wed, 06 February 2019 23:55]
“There's no grays, only white that's got grubby. I'm surprised you don't know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That's what sin is.” - Terry Pratchett
Ian Fatima
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Registered: June 2017
Messages: 18
I just changed the "Grey Speedo Boy" tumblr site into "An Adonis Collection," with other models featured and grey speedo boy at the back end. I'm sticking with models who are around 18 in hopes of not getting nuked. I suspect Tumblr gets nervous when the models are too young. The http://www.speedobeaches.tumblr.com site has been around for years, despite the large number of flagged posts in the archive.
Two pictures I just uploaded were initially flagged as adult. One was the picture of the dark haired model guy pointing to his mouth. My guess is that the robot thought his finger was a penis! The other picture flagged was the shirtless torso picture of model David. My guess is that David is so pretty that the robot thought he was a topless girl! I appealed both flagged pictueres and they were added to the page.
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Registered: March 2018
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Just asking if anyone else has a picture collection that would be willing to send me some of the pictures would be appreciated. I have gotten more of a story written mainly for me until I feel ok about it, but I still don't have enough to finish it.
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