A story with a romantic twist that you would not quite expect. Packed with emotional feel good it rolls along to a satisfying conclusion which promises a future for our three protagonists without defining how exactly things might turn out. That twelve or thirteen year olds might have such depth of thought could seem surprising, but it shouldn't, because we've all been that age and it is exactly the time when you begin to ask yourself and your best friend those fundamental questions about life. A well narrated, cleverly constructed, and very enjoyable story, my only regret, it doesn't continue.
https://iomfats.org/storyshelf/hosted/nico-grey/shorts/trick -or-treat-.html
Nico Grey
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Location: Vermont
Registered: January 2024
Messages: 3
Thank you very much for your kind words and thoughtful criticism.
I apologize for failing to respond sooner. It just never occurred to me that a short story written by a first-time author might be worthy of mention in this forum, so I hadn't visited here until yesterday.I agree with your view that kids as young as Riley, Sean and Marc do engage in somewhat sophisticated thought about themselves and their place in the world around them. I worked with young people for many years during my career in human services. There's a very broad range of outlooks at that age.
I can also recall the sort of thoughts that I and my friends occasionally explored in our tweens and early teens. I remember the progression of social and moral development that took place among us at eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen. While they may not have been typical, I don't believe that the thoughts I put in the heads of my young characters were too far out of place.
What may have been a stretch is their ability to articulate those thoughts coherently, both from an intellectual and a moral perspective. Sean, in particular, expresses himself and his thoughts far more fluently than I or my friends would have at almost-thirteen. But I needed the guys to be able to express their thoughts that articulately to present the story I had imagined. So hopefully readers can accept the license I took without it affecting their suspension of disbelief.I'm sorry if I left you wanting more, although that's positive from my perspective. The good news is that the story does continue.
Part of my personal philosophy of creative writing is that a story is a collaboration between author and readers. The author imagines characters and a situation they are trying to resolve. He or she shares an outline of those characters with readers and tells a story that brings some resolution to the situation that confronts them.
From there, the rest of the story is in the readers' hands. Every person who reads the story adds to it through their own imagination, exploring how the characters might confront new challenges that arise beyond the author's brief imaginings. In a sense, the fictional character is shared by author and reader as both contemplate- informed by their own experiences- how that character might navigate their world going forward.
I hope that you- and every reader of this story- find some enjoyment with Riley, Sean and Marc as you consider and explore how their story might continue. Make their story part of your own story.
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